*begin Large20 *export 17x *title "Eastern Front up first section of initial aven" *date 2013.05.31 *team Instruments Beardy (Paul Swire) *team Notes Neil Pacey *instrument Beardy's conventional Suunto comp and clino and Neil's Distox for distance *calibrate tape 0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks ; 18x 17x 4.53 006 -35 removed as duplicate leg with Large19 survey 1 17x 9.00 351 -44 2 1 9.83 325 -37 3 2 7.20 314 -21 4 3 21.00 327 -12 ; remove following temp legs when surveyed properly - these shot up avens week after Large20 surveyed however not tied in properly to these stations 4 5 53.16 170 +88.5 ; to remove - temp leg up aven taken on 9/6/13 by Becka and George 4 6 10.00 327 -12 ; to remove - temp leg up aven taken on 9/6/13 by Becka and George 6 7 55.13 089 +83 ; to remove - temp leg up aven taken on 9/6/13 by Becka and George 3 8 26.00 - up 2 9 16.98 241 +86 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 1 1 0 6 1.6 NEIL - WHAT IS LEFT AND CHECK OTHERS 2 1 0 1.5 1.3??? NEIL - WHAT IS DOWN 3 0 0.7 25 1.2 4 1 3.6 20 1.5 numbered; NEIL - WHAT IS UP? *end Large20