*begin Large25 *export 29x *title "Eastern Front - short survey to tie in Fred Rattray's radio location beacon to the survey" *date 2024.06.15 *team Instruments Becka Lawson *team Dog Patrick Warren (Sam Allshorn also on trip) *team Notes Becka Lawson *instrument Becka's SAP6 ;from to tape compass clino remarks *flags duplicate ; surface location of the beacon by Fred Rattray was SD 68582 76297 which is only ~4m horizontally ; from the beacon survey station underground. He was unable to get a depth reading 1 beacon 4.02 161 -01 2 1 4.21 129 -03 3 2 5.48 171 -07 29x 3 0.97 157 -66 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 1 - - - - beacon where final crawl enters final large section of passage then boulder choke. Beacon on shelf on right where roof still low before muddy descent 29x - - - - old numbered station on roof in final low section before boulder choke passage *end Large25