*begin TinkleInletNPC *export GS0 *title "From sump in Tinkle Inlet - original NPC survey data emailed by Andy Waddington to Becka on 2011.02.10" *date 1983.04.15 ; date was April 1983 on drawn up survey so have guessed mid moknth *team Instruments Andy Waddington *team Notes Mike Thomas *instrument unknown *calibrate tape 0.00 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ; given the date (1983) this really needs a separate correction for magnetic variation to remaining (2010/2011) Large Pot data ;from to tape compass clino remarks ; Comment from Andy Waddington about drawn up survey "grid north" here would have been an arbitrary "magnetic north - 8 degress" ; UNITS METRIC ; LA93 GS0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; NOMINAL CONNECTION THROUGH SUMP GS1 GS0 3.3 223 0.0 GS2 GS1 2.15 154 0.0 ; -0.3 Andy didn't know what these readings meant - this is through the sump so clino must be near zero GS3 GS2 6.95 234 0.0 ; 0.2 Andy didn't know what these readings meant - this is through the sump so clino must be near zero GS4 GS3 2.1 134 0.0 ; -0.2 Andy didn't know what these readings meant - this is through the sump so clino must be near zero GS5 GS4 4.9 234 0.0 ; 0.2 Andy didn't know what these readings meant - this is through the sump so clino must be near zero GS6 GS5 3.65 236 -19 GS7 GS6 3.5 207 -7 GS8 GS7 3.85 222 -3 GS9 GS8 1.7 320 0 GS10 GS9 3.1 226 6 GS11 GS10 1.3 187 24 GS12 GS11 3.15 238 -6 GS13 GS12 2 180 -8 GS14 GS13 5.6 236 2 GS15 GS14 2.85 254 -3 GS16 GS15 3.25 298 -2 GS17 GS16 4.65 199 0 GS18 GS17 2.95 237 3 *end TinkleInletNPC