;Cave: StepsPot ;Surveyors: Richard Bendall/Paul Windle ;Date: 15/05/08 ;Instruments: Red Rose Sunto Compass & Clino kit 2, Disto / tape *begin StepsPot1 *export 001 015 ;*calibrate compass ;*fix 001 67992 77068 382 ;surface survey ;*flags surface ;001 002 4.92 098 -30 ;stn001 is tag, stn002 is left hand wall of gully ;002 003 4.40 193 -29 ;stn003 is ent to Steps pot, drilled hole ;002 004 7.46 176 -32 ;stn004 is ent to Lamb Pot, drilled hole ;001 005 14.36 093 +16 ;stn005 is big tree ;005 006 8.86 071 -14 ;stn006 is drilled hole on rock ;006 007 6.72 144 -19 ;stn007 is 1st bolt on Wet Route ;006 008 3.13 071 -15 ;stn008 is ent to Lost Marbles Ent. drilled hole on block ;*flags not surface 002 001 0.84 262 +10 ;stn001 is at junction, location not noted 003 002 1.30 332 0 004 003 2.82 300 +2 005 004 3.53 329 -5 006 005 4.25 060 +60 007 005 3.50 321 -10 008 007 1.00 - DOWN 009 008 2.10 318 -5 010 009 2.06 333 -14 011 010 1.50 300 -10 012 011 4.50 312 -15 013 012 2.50 - DOWN 014 013 6.10 310 -18 015 014 5.48 270 -26 ;stn015 on survey given as 003 surface legs *end StepsPot1