*begin luccaven *export 7a *title "LUCC Aven in Lost Johns cave - data from Tim Allen" *date 2010.01.17 ;from to tape compass clino remarks 1 1a 3.9 033 -57 1 2 1.9 095 +10 2 3 1.8 168 +05 3 4 4.7 154 +06 4 5 2.9 103 +41 5 6 3.1 156 -24 6 7 5.6 091 -49 7 8 8.9 189 +25 8 9 4.2 175 +14 9 10 2 153 +55 7 7a 14.1 115 -73 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 1a - - - - 1a is downstream end of rift, too tight beyond 7 - - - - 7 is inner bolt of main pitch hang 10 - - - - 10 is upstream end. Flake below snappered section 7a - - - - 7a is yellow tag at foot of aven. SE passage end station *end luccaven