;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; generated from shortcuttocrestarun.top ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *begin bypasscrestarun *export 1-50 3-10 3-15 *title "Bypass of Cresta Fun - From station near base of Boxhead main pitch from Its A Cracker survey to end of Cresta Run" *date 2012.10.27 *team Instruments Andy Powell *team Tippex Andy Chapman *team Notes Andrew Atkinson *instrument Becka's distox calibrated in the cave with delta of 0.61 I think on 26.10.12 and Becka's PDA for notes *calibrate tape 0.00 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long *data normal from to tape compass clino ignoreall 1-50 3-0 0.000 0.00 0.00 Roll:0 0 d1 3-0 3-1 8.845 310.08 -1.27 Roll:354 0 d3 3-1 3-2 3.655 308.39 -1.47 Roll:259 0 d3 3-3 3-2 2.915 135.69 -0.90 Roll:62 0 d3 3-3 3-4 4.302 313.73 0.95 Roll:285 0 d3 3-4 3-5 3.437 325.55 -1.22 Roll:277 0 d3 3-5 3-6 1.829 287.17 -5.69 Roll:82 0 d3 3-6 3-7 0.950 319.45 -2.48 Roll:276 0 d3 3-7 3-8 3.294 301.34 3.00 Roll:246 0 d3 3-8 3-9 3.049 339.05 21.79 Roll:332 0 d3 3-9 3-10 1.018 21.57 18.56 Roll:8 0 d3 3-10 3-11 4.246 77.60 -7.72 Roll:287 0 d3 3-11 3-12 4.266 48.92 11.75 Roll:350 0 d3 3-12 3-13 2.748 107.84 -30.40 Roll:287 0 d3 3-13 3-14 5.360 70.05 -2.30 Roll:8 0 d3 3-13 3-15 1.437 59.99 8.60 Roll:25 0 d3 ; splays ;3-0 - 0.946 220.16 12.88 Roll:349 0 d1 ; stn 50 yesterdays survey ;3-15 - 0.000 0.00 0.00 Roll:0 0 d1 ; tpx 15 lhw *end bypasscrestarun