*begin LazloStrog7 *export p *title "Climb down where handline up before pitch into Hubert Carstairs chamber" *date 2011.01.23 *team Instruments Becka Lawson *team Notes Ruth MacDonald *team Tape Dave Ramsay *instrument Becka's Tandem as comp and clino and Becka's 30m tape read from *20cm* as end now fallen off! *calibrate tape 0.20 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks 4 p 0.99 014 +37 ; p is pitch head bolt 4 5 5.83 - down 6 5 3.21 131 +32 6 7 4.87 293 -61 7 8 4.29 315 -26 8 9 7.81 311 -04 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall p 0 0.4 2 6 p is pitch head bolt for handline climb 4 0.4 0 3.3 6 5 0 0.2 7 1.1 6 0.3 0 1.7 2.3 7 0.1 0.2 5 3 8 0.4 0 2 1.7 9 0 2.4 6 1.6 numbered in small aven with drafting tiny hole in floor *end LazloStrog7