*begin Paaschendale2 ; Locn: Notts II *title "Paaschendale" *date 2003.09.04 ; *team DR/RGB *instrument Suunto Compass/Clino, RST Tape ; Calibration:none ; Ref.: *export 7 15 *export 24 ; ====== stations refindable to link to other surveys: ====== ;readings grade 5 ;survey ordered from to ;readings ordered length bearing gradient 8 7 1.71 212 -11 ;8 8u 1.25 0 90 ;8 8d .65 0 -90 ;8 8l 1.35 157 0 ;8 8r 1.7 337 0 8 9 10.18 247 0 ;To Prospector pot ;9 9u 1.6 0 90 ;9 9d 3.48 0 -90 ;Depth of Prospector Pot ;9 9l 3 145 0 ;Orientation of Prospector Pot 9 10 3.95 221 1 ; to corner 10 11 6.5 147 4 8 12 7.73 019 3 ;going out 12 13 15.9 335 -6 ;13 13u 1.6 0 90 ;13 13d 1.5 0 -90 13 14 7.1 320 -4.5 ;14 14u 1.2 0 90 ;14 14d 2.1 0 -90 14 15 4.55 359 4 ; descrepancy on drawn survey NottsII/Poppy1.jpg (revisited with Dave 16/01/12 found stn 15 but could not find 14 but could only be a leg of 5m max so changed 24.55 to 4.55 17/01/12 RGB) 15 16 3.9 033 7 ;16=Nodule at entrance to sand crawl ;16 16u .9 0 90 ;16 16d 3 0 -90 16 17 10.65 048 -0.5 17 18 12.05 347 -2 18 19 7.7 038 0 19 20 11.7 048 1 20 21 4.6 074.5 -6 21 22 10.10 024.5 -2 22 23 12.15 045 0 23 24 4.9 013 .5 ; Junction left downstream right upstream Paaschendaele ;24 24a 20 315 0 ; Guess down stream according to old survey!!!!! *end Paaschendale2