;Cave: Link Pot - Echo Aven top of pitch resurvey ;Surveyors: R.Duffy(notes)/S.Lieberman(instr.) ;Date: 03/03/13 ;Instruments: PAG + new Disto *equate Lk01f.C Lk01.032 *begin Lk01f *export c *calibrate compass +6.50 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 *flags duplicate 2 1 02.07 243.0 -09.0 2 A 01.85 247.0 +18.0 B A 01.52 328.0 -22.0 B C 04.61 218.0 -53.0 *flags duplicate *end Lk01f ;st l r u d comments ;1 st1 is old traverse bolt on corner ;2 st2 is possibly previous survey station? ;A 0/3 0/0 2/5 4/5 stA is first new P hanger ;B 0/3 0/3 1/0 4/7 stB is head height on corner by first Y hang ;C stC is Y hang knot top of Echo aven