;Cave: Link Pot - Upstream Serendipity ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 29/08/07 ;Instruments: PAG + disto ;*equate lk18.013 lk11.012 ;st012=tag on bolt at top of Serendipity Pitch *begin lk18 *export 013 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 04.11 319.0 00.0 ;upstream limit on right of small sump-like pool 003 002 03.92 004.0 00.0 004 003 08.21 029.0 +00.5 004 004a 01.90 265.0 +10.0 004a 004b 03.00 215.0 +55.0 ;st004b is enormous cobble top of small aven 004 005 07.73 164.0 -08.0 005 006 01.22 - UP 006 007 12.06 239.0 -01.0 007 008 07.56 170.0 +00.5 008 009 12.79 234.0 -01.0 009 010 07.00 316.0 -02.0 ;st010 is bottom of rope from Expulsion Series etc. 010 010a 09.07 167.0 +04.0 010a 010b 06.27 128.0 +08.0 011 010 12.30 140.0 +04.0 012 011 06.12 068.0 +02.0 ;st012 is directly below small wet aven 012 013 05.79 238.0 +05.0 *end lk18