;Cave: Link Pot - Hilton Hall (resurvey for check) ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 09/05/07 ;Instruments: S.A.P + disto *equate lk01a.008a lk01.002 ;base of ent. pitch *equate lk01a.009 lk01.003 ;tag at Bypus Bypass *equate lk01a.014 lk01.008 ;tag at start of passage to Echo Pot *equate lk01a.014 lk01b.001 ;tag at start of passage to Echo Pot *equate lk01a.009 lk01b.012 ;tag at Bypus Bypass *equate lk01a.008b lk01c.001 ;point on large boulder head height *begin lk01a *export 009 014 008a 008b *calibrate compass 0.00 *calibrate clino 0.00 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 03.14 051.0 +42.0 ;st001 is up choked rift 002 003 02.24 142.0 -36.0 ;st002 is head height sitting in rift at end of bedding crawl 003 003a 04.30 127.0 +01.0 ;st003a is end of rift 003 004 01.03 242.0 -38.0 ;st004 is lying in bedding 004 005 05.04 232.0 -03.0 ;st005 is near end of bedding with low bed to right 005 005a 03.09 347.0 +01.0 ;st005a is right hand end of bedding with choked rift straight ahead 005 006 03.54 205.0 +03.0 006 007 01.15 258.0 -36.0 ;st007 is head height sitting at start of side passage to right 007 007a 05.32 139.0 +37.0 ;st007a is choke at top of steep rift 007 008 10.92 282.0 -03.0 008a 008 03.06 211.0 -05.0 ;st008a is foot of ent. pitch 008 008b 09.71 178.0 +01.0 ;st008b is head height on v.large boulder in side passage opposite pitch (needs surveying) 008d 008e 04.16 - UP ;st008e is top of aven next to ent pitch 008d 008c 06.61 164.0 -30.0 008 008c 02.58 218.0 +02.0 008 009 08.11 228.0 -04.0 ;st009=tag at Bypus Pypass 009 010 18.97 275.0 -02.0 ;st010 is vertical spike of rock on right of passge 010 011 04.73 298.0 +08.0 ;st011 is in middle of passage below slope from avens 011 011a 03.55 250.0 +11.0 011b 011a 04.19 096.0 -40.0 011b 011bi 03.44 168.0 +04.0 ;st011bi is small aven on left of chamber 011bi 011bii 07.12 295.0 +53.0 ;st011bii is top of tight rift from aven 011b 011ba 06.20 081.0 +03.0 ;st011ba is end of choked phreatic tube in roof above ent to chamber 011b 011c 03.20 276.0 +37.0 ;st011c is in next small loose chamber up slope ;011c 011d 06.74 234.0 +02.0 ;st011d is end of low loose bedding to right (bearing incorrect in notes) 011c 011d 06.74 334.0 +02.0 ;st011d is end of low loose bedding to right (corrected bearing following resurvey 06/01/13) 011 012 06.33 196.0 -14.0 ;st012 is head height at slope down towards Echo (passage to left needs surveying) 012 013 00.90 - DOWN 013 014 05.34 249.0 -17.0 ;st014=tag in roof before streamway *end lk01a