;Cave: Link Pot - Handpump Hall ;Surveyors: S.Lieberman/A.Hall/P.Wilkinson ;Date: 15/07/07 ;Instruments: SAP + disto + PAG *equate lk02d.022 lk02.008 ;tag at junction with Top of Tiger's Inlet *equate lk02d.013a lk02e.004 ;tag on way to Tigers Inlet *equate lk02d.021 lk02e.025 ;st021 is left corner in Tigers Inlet *begin lk02d *export 021 *export 013a *export 022 *calibrate compass 0.00 *calibrate clino 0.00 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 04.37 050.0 -08.0 ;st002 is junction 002 002a 04.80 081.0 +02.0 ;st002a is end of dig 002 003 03.33 275.0 -02.0 003 004 05.44 246.0 -05.0 ;st004 is stal 004 005 06.79 277.0 -02.0 005 006 02.13 289.0 +03.0 ;st006 has small 2m too low pass. to right 006 007 01.69 221.0 -08.0 007 008 05.67 225.0 -02.0 ;st008 is stal in middle of pass. 008 009 04.87 298.0 -04.0 009 010 15.42 262.0 -04.0 010 011 00.63 - UP 011 012 09.36 341.0 -06.0 ;st012 is stal with small v.low inlet to right 012 013 10.42 297.0 -01.0 013 013a 02.41 186.0 +03.0 ;st013a=tag on way to Tigers Inlet 013 014 06.22 312.0 +07.0 014 015 10.38 047.0 +02.0 015 016 08.00 001.0 -01.0 ;aven just beyond st016 is 8m high ;SAP broke started using PAG set *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 ;these readings taken on 18/07/07 by S.Lieberman/R.Duffy using same instruments 016 016i 03.82 345.0 -04.0 016i 016ii 06.87 - UP ;st016ii is top of aven looks too tight bedding at top ;continuation of notes from 15/07/07 016 016a 08.03 075.0 +08.0 ;st016a is dig 016 017 04.35 277.0 -29.0 ;st017 is start of slope down to connecting passage with Tigers Inlet 017 018 02.35 272.0 -48.0 019 018 03.92 114.0 +07.0 019 020 03.18 281.0 -18.0 ;low wet crawl below st020 toward Cairn Junc. 020 021 05.56 282.0 -05.0 ;st021 is left corner in Tigers Inlet 021 022 08.87 319.0 -03.0 ;st022=tag at junction with Top of Tiger's Inlet 022 023 00.10 - UP 023 024 09.57 078.0 +02.0 024 025 05.16 150.0 -20.0 ;st025 is start of low wet crawl to Handpump Hall 025 026 02.28 149.0 -08.0 027 026 01.83 062.0 -03.0 027 028 03.33 185.0 +12.0 ;passage on right is very low wet crawl to Tigers Inlet 028 029 01.11 101.0 00.0 029 020 01.30 - UP *end lk02d