;Cave: Link Pot - China Dog Chamber ;Surveyors: Pete Hall/Rob Garrett ;Date: 09/05/99 ;Instruments: 2 ;*equate lk06.006 lk02.019 ;probably joined to wrong point ;*equate lk06.006 lk02.020 *equate lk06.007 lk19.000 ;tag at new bolt for ladder to stream *equate lk06.007 lk07.015 *equate lk06.106 lk07.007 ;junction *begin lk06 *export 106 *export 007 *calibrate compass +6.50 *calibrate tape +0.40 ;000 001 04.40 238.0 -27.0 ;st000=tag ;001 002 12.60 295.0 -04.0 ;002 003 07.80 244.0 -06.0 ;003 004 13.30 230.0 -10.0 ;004 005 04.10 291.0 -10.0 ;005 006 06.10 272.0 -08.0 ;st006=Tigers Inlet ;006 007 06.30 323.0 -05.0 007 008 12.60 034.0 +05.0 008 009 05.20 343.0 +17.0 ;st009 is high level upstream choke ;upstream inlet down to Tigers Inlet ;101 102 05.50 232.0 -39.0 ;st101 is boulder choke ;102 103 05.20 233.0 -06.0 ;103 104 07.90 200.0 00.0 ;st104(D*)tag ;104 105 05.10 203.0 -07.0 ;inlet on L too tight ;105 106 01.90 276.0 +03.0 ;st106(0A*)tag ;106a 106 05.90 087.0 +08.0 ;st106a continues as outlet unsurveyed 106 107 03.90 145.0 +11.0 107 107a 03.50 070.0 +11.0 ;st107a(0C)is dig 107 108 08.50 186.0 +02.0 ;st108 is inlet on L 108 109 05.70 185.0 00.0 109 110 04.70 223.0 +02.0 110 008 03.50 008.0 +23.0 ;return to Tigers Inlet area ;Bottom of streamway to Tigers inlet going upstream ;201 202 03.00 051.0 +01.0 ;st201 is choked crawl/dig ;202 203 06.90 335.0 +08.0 ;203 204 19.90 329.0 +15.0 ;204 205 14.40 334.0 +16.0 ;on right is small tight continuation of streamway outlet ;205 206 04.70 335.0 +22.0 ;206 206a 07.30 324.0 +36.0 ;st206a(1G) is branch on L to boulder choke ;206 206b 01.00 050.0 00.0 ;st206b=tag ;206 206c 05.70 111.0 +11.0 ;passage on R with 3m climb continues unsurveyed ;206 207 03.60 349.0 +15.0 ;207 208 05.40 018.0 -09.0 ;st208 has inlet on L ;208 209 03.50 116.0 +22.0 ;209 210 06.30 056.0 +14.0 ;start of lk08.001 ;210 211 03.40 105.0 +18.0 ;st211=tag, passage between stations continues unsurveyed to T junct. with stream at 208 ;211 212 10.30 096.0 +10.0 ;between stations is small cross rift ;212 212a 02.80 108.0 +39.0 ;start of oxbow ;212a 212b 04.30 067.0 -16.0 ;212b 213 02.60 012.0 -28.0 ;end of oxbow ;212 213 08.00 070.0 +01.0 ;213 214 04.80 091.0 -06.0 ;214 215 02.80 049.0 +12.0 ;215 216 05.00 104.0 -05.0 ;216 217 03.00 132.0 +08.0 ;st217 is start of oxbow on right ;217 218 04.50 053.0 -02.0 ;218 219 03.00 092.0 00.0 ;st219 end of oxbow ;219 220 14.20 043.0 +02.0 ;220 221 03.30 313.0 +10.0 ;221 222 03.40 037.0 -03.0 ;222 223 05.90 050.0 -10.0 ;223 224 08.60 074.0 +03.0 ;224 225 02.70 024.0 +38.0 ;225 226 03.10 083.0 +24.0 ;226 227 03.60 - UP ;227 007 02.00 043.0 +10.0 ;back to tag at Tigers Inlet junction *end lk06