;Cave: Upstream Tiger's Inlet upper passage in roof ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 09/09/06 ;Instruments: PAG + disto *equate lk07b.007 lk07.010 ;st007 is main passge at foot of climb up from puddle *begin lk07b *export 007 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino -0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 04.21 309.0 -08.0 ;st001 is mud choke 002 002a 03.82 122.0 +20.0 ;st002 is boulder, st002a is choke 002 002b 03.16 182.0 -01.0 ;st002b is choke above exit passage 002 003 01.60 202.0 -42.0 ;st002 to 004 is flat out tight bedding 004 003 02.34 105.0 +04.0 ;beyond st004 is small stream trench 004 005 04.41 224.0 -03.0 005 006 02.07 218.0 -03.0 ;st006 has ramp to left up 3m to start of upper passage? choked 006 007 02.47 - DOWN ;st007 is floor of passage *end lk07b