;Cave: Link Pot - Cairn Junction to Serendipity ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 29/02/04 ;Instruments: PAG *equate lk11.001 lk02.005 ;tag in roof Cairn Junction *equate lk11.012 lk12.001 ;tagon hanger in roof of Serendipity *equate lk11.001 lk11a.001 ;tag in roof Cairn Junction *equate lk11.009a lk11a.007a ;through low pool to stal with cable tie *equate lk11.011 lk11a.013 ;tag on stal *equate lk11.012 lk18.013 ;st012=tag on bolt at top of Serendipity Pitch *begin lk11 *export 011 *export 001 *export 012 *export 009a *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 00.0 001 002 00.30 - DOWN ;st001=tag in roof Cairn Junction 002 003 11.46 079.0 +01.5 003 004 08.56 027.0 +01.5 ;alcove on left with digable arch 004 005 05.19 092.0 +03.0 ;st005 is middle of small aven 5m to roof 005 006 02.87 150.0 00.0 ;st006 is edge of long pool in low bedding 006 007 07.14 115.0 +01.0 ;st007 is slope at end of pool 007 008 03.65 102.0 +03.0 ;st008=tag near white mark on right wall with branch in passage to left 008 009 12.92 117.0 +02.0 ;st009 is edge of pool running into alternative passage 009 009a 02.00 188.0 -09.0 ;st009a=tag on stal at start of connection through to Death Row passage 009 010 14.45 070.5 +02.0 010 011 08.42 092.0 +03.5 ;st011=tag on stal top of boulder, right to Death Row 011 012 18.53 118.0 +03.0 ;st012=tag on bolt at top of Serendipity Pitch *end lk11