; Locn: Leck Fell ; Cave: New Rift ; Dig hopefully heading towards Low Douk *begin NewRiftDigToLowDouk *export 2 *title "New Rift Dig to Low Douk" *date 2009.09.26 *team Notes Ruth McDonald *team Insts Becka Lawson *team Tape Richard Bendall *team Digger Dave Ramsay *instrument Compass and Clino - Becka's tandem set ; Tape - Becka's 30m yellow read from 0cm *calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks ;2 1 1.61 007 -16 ; this leg repeated on main RiftToD7 survey so not needed 3 2 5.89 293 +02 4 3 1.54 328 +24 5 4 3.70 306 -03 5 6 1.70 148 0 6 7 4.00 100 0 *data passage station left right up down ;1 - - - - ; white stal in main New Rift passage about 50m before Temple of Doom chokes 2 - - - - ; arch at start of dig passage 3 - - - - ; small chamber 4 - - - - ; floor of duck 5 - - - - ; ceiling at previous limit of dig 6 - - - - ; guesstimated leg to Dave's bum 7 - - - - ; very guesstimated leg to dig face *end NewRiftDigToLowDouk