*begin shortdrop6 *export cowtag cowtag2 cowtag3 *title "Repeat last legs of shortdrop5 to check data then continue to yellow RRCPC cowtag at junction to ancient highway" *date 2015.09.12 *team Instruments Julia Arce Saez *team Notes Becka Lawson *instrument MMMMC New Distox2 *calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks cowtag 1 6.41 278.09 -7.35 ; cowtag = cowtag above climb by left inlet 1 2 2.815 236.89 -5.24 2 3 2.379 287.24 -3.81 3 4 2.295 189.55 -3.58 4 5 1.756 280.75 -8.19 5 6 3.388 211.3 -14.9 ; 6 was not an old station (all others were) 6 7 3.313 290.57 -8.61 7 25x 1.526 0.54 11.15 25x 8 4.862 233.83 6.49 ; 25x was an old, numbered station where a high, dry passage enters 8 29x 8.986 265.74 -6.26 29x 9 3.777 345.45 -12.93 ; 29x was an old, numbered station just past a drippy aven 9 10 5.01 265.56 -5 10 cowtag2 7.9 298.4 5.93 ; cowtag2 at junction with climb up on left of passage cowtag2 11 14.46 344.98 -4.83 11 12 5.839 325.16 -1.83 12 13 4.943 334.48 5.44 13 14 4.948 278.68 -4.37 14 15 6.814 304.17 -5.26 ; ridge by spike 15 16 6.567 337.51 -3.92 16 17 4.281 265 9.97 17 18 8.831 316.76 -2.29 18 19 4.195 329.77 -1.34 19 20 4 31.65 -2.64 20 21 3.534 324.85 1.57 21 22 2.848 272.09 -3.16 22 23 3.97 324.23 2.87 23 24 4.469 33.62 -2.29 24 64x 1.179 55.01 52.41 24 25 2.811 58.85 5.38 25 26 7.057 297.05 37.67 25 27 5.73 309.72 34.89 27 28 4.128 108.4 52.55 25 29 1.232 18.76 -43.76 29 30 5.097 99.03 -4.56 30 31 9.317 27.54 -4.5 31 32 4.062 127.79 11.42 32 cowtag3 2.055 56.21 14.45 *flags duplicate cowtag3 34 3.574 35.33 1.2 *flags not duplicate *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 25 - - - - 26 - - - - 27 - - - - numbered in chamber, has 1.5 and 4 but unclear what these are, LR or UD 28 - - - - not marked, up hole in roof past a c4 29 0.5 0.5 2.9 1 l wall past chamber 30 0.7 0 3.5 0.8 r wall 31 0 1.7 4.5 0.1 l wall at corner 32 0.5 1 4.2 1 r wall cowtag3 0.5 0 3.6 1.65 yellow RRCPC cowtage at start of east end of Ancient Highway passage *end shortdrop6