*begin shortdrop9 *export tag tag2 tag3 *title "Short Drop:check loop around main stream upstream of Ancient Highway - no notes, just checking numbers" *date 2019.10.26 *team Instruments Philip Withnall *team Instruments Emma Wilson *team Notes Becka Lawson *instrument Becka Distox2 ;*calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ; note station numbered 60 is by RW slope on LW with a pencil number ;from to tape compass clino remarks tag 1 3.31 163 +12 1 2 1.46 136 +37 2 3 4.02 255 -03 3 4 2.01 252 -06.5 4 5 2.13 196 -24 5 6 2.20 280 +02.5 6 7 1.64 194 +01 7 8 2.31 253 +01 8 9 2.08 154 +08 ; stn 9 between 2 small inlets on LW 9 10 1.78 255 -05 10 11 3.16 313 -33 11 12 3.94 225 +06 12 tag2 1.31 303 +34 ; tag2 = RW tag opposite big left inlet tag2 13 2.68 297 -16 13 14 2.12 005 -01.5 14 tag3 1.48 320 -06.5 ; tag 3 where stream joins from R tag3 15 8.53 297 -02 15 16 4.80 323 -08 16 17 2.93 288 -24 ; 17 under climb up to Ancient Highway 17 18 1.88 214 -15 18 19 2.94 304 -07.5 19 20 3.58 013 +50.5 ; stns 19, 21, 24, 25, 26 old liquid paper station 20 21 0.68 325 -06 19 22 2.70 178 -06 22 23 4.29 210 0 23 24 0.75 347 +85 24 25 2.36 175 -06 25 26 8.15 212 -04 26 27 3.53 194 -07 27 28 3.92 239 +02 tag3 29 0.60 253 -38 29 30 0.91 049 -25 29 31 1.62 064 -13 31 32 5.04 052 +01 32 33 3.13 014 +01 33 34 5.26 096 +02 34 35 3.63 126 +01 35 36 6.10 061 +04 36 tag 0.79 003 +65 ; tag = old station 17; notes have comp and clino switcheed so 065 compass +03 clino but Distox not *end shortdrop9