*BEGIN NottsPot_to_ShepPot *EXPORT 1.0 ;PerilousPot GPS point Pink nail varnish triangle top left of step *EXPORT 3.0 ;notts1 gps marker *EXPORT 2.0 2.9 ;Top of Shep pot scafold tube *EQUATE 1.0 3.14 *EQUATE 1.13 2.0 ;commented out by Simon Cornhill 2019.04.27 as it is superseded by *declination auto in leckfell.svx ;*CALIBRATE declination +1.93 ;Calculated mag decl from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination ; 54.195911°N 2.505374°W 2016.04. *BEGIN 1 ; <<<< Surface survey from PerilousPot entrance to over the end of station 1.45 >>>> ;Di pda, Si distox ;calibrated error <0.5 *EXPORT 0 13 *DATE 2016.04.30 *FLAGS SURFACE 0 1 6.67 290.20 26.63 ;PerilousPot GPS point Pink nail varnish triangle top left of step 1 2 7.87 320.41 3.43 2 3 8.12 338.49 -0.04 3 4 8.26 335.65 -0.55 4 5 8.98 335.88 -0.84 5 6 11.23 323.19 -3.71 6 7 9.04 279.84 -4.48 7 8 11.04 308.09 -5.44 8 9 8.91 298.17 -8.05 9 10 8.76 283.62 -10.80 10 11 6.93 287.33 -7.00 11 12 6.61 285.78 -21.15 12 13 1.36 108.27 -65.60 ;Bottom of Shakehole - gps sd67051 77969\r\r99 m from etrance on bearing 126 *END 1 *BEGIN 2 ; <<<< Surface survey from over the end of station 1.45 to Shep pot >>>> ;Di pda, Si distox ;calibrated error <0.5 *EXPORT 0 9 *DATE 2016.04.30 *FLAGS SURFACE 1 0 4.15 140.15 -46.09 ;3.0 Bottom of Shakehole *FLAGS SPLAY 1 1a 6.24 140.81 -14.27 *FLAGS NOT SPLAY 1 2 7.97 0.31 -0.05 2 3 10.91 4.25 0.76 3 4 10.62 358.04 -2.19 4 5 10.48 342.71 -1.76 5 6 12.02 17.81 1.46 6 7 10.67 30.60 2.66 7 8 6.83 45.61 2.06 8 9 7.60 29.05 -30.71 ;Top of Shep pot scafold tube *END 2 *BEGIN 3 ; <<<< Overland survey to tie in PerilousPot to Notts pot GPS tag >>>> ;Di pda, Si distox ;calibrated error <0.5 *EXPORT 0 14 *DATE 2016.04.23 *FLAGS SURFACE 1 0 10.06 151.67 -25.50 ;notts1 gps marker 1 2 10.52 20.72 9.43 2 3 6.73 10.15 4.65 3 4 8.83 31.99 18.09 4 5 9.66 29.73 -7.59 5 6 8.17 27.42 7.55 6 7 8.98 2.80 6.16 7 8 10.27 12.51 -15.51 8 9 10.08 32.19 7.25 9 10 7.90 354.15 11.45 10 11 9.98 355.18 -4.04 11 12 7.19 5.40 -2.74 12 13 10.01 4.78 -9.49 13 14 0.84 316.27 -87.27 ;PerilousPot GPS point Pink nail varnish triangle top left of step *END 3 *END NottsPot_to_ShepPot