*begin WitchesII-7 *export x z diveline water *title "Connecting legs around sump pools" *date 2010.12.31 *team Instruments Julian Todd *team Notes Becka Lawson *instrument Neil's DistoX *calibrate tape 0.00 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks z water 9.22 191 -25 *flags duplicate z x 10.58 023 -09 x z 10.54 203 +09 *flags not duplicate x diveline 6.11 080 -10 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall x 3 10 0.5 1.2 station 22 of WitchesII-3 ... but 1m away if tie in to z so haven't tied in and no liquid paper to mark original station (Becka marked it on 31/12) z 6 6 3 1.7 station 21 of WitchesII-3 - was a bit of liquid paper marking this station so am confident this one is correct diveline 3 2.5 0.5 0.5 upstream diveline tied off on right of main flow as look upstream; probably Jason's station 4 from 12/10/13 survey water 0.5 0 4 0 unmarked point at water level about a metre before sump pool ends as it goes under rock towards Witches *end WitchesII-7