encoding utf-8 source th/LambTrap1.th # Change name to the main therion file #Surveys to output #----------------- select LambTrap1 <<<<<<< .mine export map -proj plan -layout local -o LambTrap-Plan.pdf #export map -projection [elevation 270] -o LambTrap-Elev.pdf #export map -projection [extended] -layout local -o LambTrap-Elev-Extended.pdf #export map -o LambTrap.kml ||||||| .r3423 #export map -proj plan -layout local -o LambTrap-Plan.pdf #export map -projection [elevation 270] -o LambTrap-Elev.pdf #export map -projection [extended] -layout local -o LambTrap-Elev-Extended.pdf export map -o LambTrap.kml ======= export map -projection plan -layout plan -o LambTrap-Plan.pdf export map -projection [elevation 270] -layout elevation -o LambTrap-Elev.pdf export map -projection [extended] -layout elevation -o LambTrap-Elev-Extended.pdf export map -projection plan -layout combined -o LambTrap.pdf #export map -o LambTrap.kml >>>>>>> .r3431 #export map -proj plan -layout local -o #Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet layout local cs OSGB:SD #base-scale 1 300 scale 1 400 page-grid off symbol-set BCRA #debug station-names #debug on #legend on colour map-fg altitude colour-model cmyk colour-legend off #colour map-fg scrap #colour map-fg [97 86 38] ##Pale Yellow## #colour map-fg [90 90 90] ##Light Grey## #colour map-bg [90 90 90] ##Light Grey## north grid #grid bottom grid top grid-size 20 20 20 m grid-coords all #border #rotate -90 map-header 10 0 sw #puts bottom left corner of header box in bottom left #transparency on #scale-bar 10 metres symbol-colour area water [25 50 100] #symbol-colour area sump [10 10 100] #symbol-colour area flowstone [20 20 20] symbol-colour line water-flow [22 22 95] symbol-colour point water-flow [22 22 95] #symbol-colour group centerline [100 0 0] #symbol-colour point station [0 0 0] # symbol-hide group centerline #1. hides all centerline symbols from everywhere (stations and shots). # symbol-hide point cave-station #2. tells therion, that you want to show stations in the cave. #But in fact point cave-station itself does not show any symbol. #It only specifies, that stations in the cave should be shown rather than surface stations. ####CODE TO PUT BORDER AROUND MAP#### #----------------------------- code tex-map \framethickness=0.5mm ###############OVERIDES############## ##Overide Therion Map Header Data### #----------------------------------- code tex-map \cavename={\size[45] Lamb Trap \medskip\size[17] Leckfell, Lancashire} endcode ##Overide cave length and depth to remove surface leg data## #---------------------------------------------------------- code tex-map # \topoteam{BSD} # \cavelength{229.86m} # \cavedepth{63.55m} endcode ######################################################################### #Change the scale bar to black and white bar, split into 5 and labelled # ######################################################################### scale-bar 50 metres # scale-bar . set the length of the scale-bar (M, A) # code metapost def s_scalebar (expr l, units, txt) = begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; tmpl:=l / Scale * cm * units / 2; tmpx:=l / Scale * cm * units / 5; tmph:=5bp; % bar height endgroup; pickup PenC; #Adjusted to make lines not stick out: 0.25*u/10,0 is half thickness of PenC draw (-tmpl+0.25*u/10,0)--(tmpl-0.25*u/10,0); draw (tmpl-0.25*u/10,-tmph)--(-tmpl+0.25*u/10,-tmph); p:=(0,0)--(tmpx,0)--(tmpx,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; for i:=-2.5 step 2 until 2: fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0); endfor; begingroup interim labeloffset:=3.5bp; for i:=0 step (l/5) until (l-1): tmpx:=tmpl * (i * 2 / l - 1); label.top(thTEX(decimal (i)),(tmpx,0)); endfor; label.top(thTEX(decimal (l) & "\thinspace" & txt),(tmpl,0)); # label.bot(thTEX("Original Scale = 1 : " & decimal (Scale*100)),(0,-tmph)); endgroup; enddef; ##################### #Change North arrow # ##################### code metapost def s_northarrow (expr rot) = begingroup interim defaultscale:=0.5; % scale your north arrow here T:=identity scaled defaultscale rotated -rot; interim linecap:=squared; interim linejoin:=rounded; thfill (-.5cm,-.1cm)--(0,2.5cm)--(.5cm,-.1cm)--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled (0.08cm * defaultscale); thdraw (0,0)--(0,-2.5cm); pickup pencircle scaled (0.16cm * defaultscale); p:=(0.4cm,0.6cm); thdraw ((p--(p yscaled -1)--(p xscaled -1)--(p scaled -1)) shifted (0,-1.0cm)); label.rt(thTEX("grid") scaled 1.6, (.6cm,-1.6cm)) transformed T; endgroup; enddef; endcode endcode ########################################### # bodge to make floor-steps look sensible # ########################################### code metapost let l_floorstep = l_border_visible_SKBB; endcode ########################################## # bodge to make overhangs look sensible # ########################################## code metapost let l_overhang = l_ceilingstep_SKBB; endcode ##################################### # define cave centreline to be red # ##################################### code metapost def l_survey_cave (expr P) = T:=identity; pickup PenD scaled 0.5; thdraw P withcolor (0.9,0.0,0.0); # thdraw P dashed dashpattern(on 3 off 10) withcolor (0.0,0.9,0.0); enddef; endcode endlayout #layout local ####################################################### layout plan rotate 90 copy local grid off statistics topo off map-header 10 100 sw #puts bottom left corner of header box in bottom left endlayout #layout plan ################################################################# layout elevation copy local symbol-hide special scale-bar endlayout ################################################################# layout combined copy local rotate 90 grid off #page-grid on code tex-map #\legendwidth=10cm \cartotitle {\size[35] PLAN} \comment {\size[35]EXTENDED ELEVATION} \def\maplayout{ \legendbox{-3}{5}{NW}{\loadpicture{LambTrap-Elev-Extended.pdf}} \legendbox{20}{80}{e}{\the\cartotitle} \legendbox{21}{60}{e}{\northarrow} \legendbox{22}{-12}{sw}{\scalebar} \legendbox{22}{-30}{sw}{\the\comment} } endcode endcode ############################### #CODE TO PUT BORDER AROUND MAP# ############################### code tex-map \framethickness=0.5mm endcode endlayout #layout combined