# British Symbol Set for Therion. Developed by Footleg, from a set of examples # by Bruce Mutton taken from the Therion wiki. layout GB_Std #type of used symbol sets SKBB/UIS/ASF/AUT/CCNP #setting this over-rides the metacode symbol swap done above! #symbol-set AUT scale-bar 100 m grid-size 100 100 100 metres # coordinate grid #Adopt passage slope 'fat triangle arrows' in favour of default skinny arrows #symbol-assign line gradient BCRA #symbol-assign point gradient BCRA #resolution of final map scale 1 500 #position of header #map-header 20 20 e #transparency on #opacity 70 # names of persons which surveyed the cave will be added how much they surveyed #statistics topo-length on # the language of legends in map #language en_UK #show the legend legend on #don't display survey centreline #symbol-hide group cave-centreline #hide line survey symbol symbol-hide line survey #hide passage height symbol symbol-hide point passage-height copy CustomisedSymbols copy WaterShading #Required for colour and b&w shading and colouuring of water fills and symbols endlayout layout WaterShading #Patterns similar to standard definition of pattern_water_UIS and pattern_sump_UIS #Gives b&w shaded symbols with borders, unless custom colours are defined #in which case colour backgrounds defined in LayoutColourSymbols are used code metapost beginpattern(pattern_water); draw origin--10up withpen pensquare scaled (0.03u); % line thickness patternxstep(.3u); % spacing patterntransform(identity rotated 45); endpattern; beginpattern(pattern_sump); draw origin--(0,.3u) withpen pensquare scaled (0.03u); draw origin--(.3u,0) withpen pensquare scaled (0.03u); patterntransform(identity rotated 45); endpattern; def p_water (expr pos,theta,sc,al)= %Bruce Mutton 2010.06.20 for Therion 5.3.8 U:=(.425u,.3u); T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos; pickup PenD; p:=fullcircle xscaled (1.2u) yscaled (0.8u) randomized (0.1u) rotated uniformdeviate (-45); if known colour_water_bg: thfill p withcolor colour_water_bg; else: thfill p withcolor white; fi; thfill p withpattern pattern_water; %%% withcolor black; %but with failed attempt at black hatch thdraw p; %outline enddef; def a_water (expr Path) = %Bruce Mutton 2010.06.20 for Therion 5.3.8 T:=identity; thclean Path; pickup PenD; if known colour_water_bg: thfill Path withcolor colour_water_bg; else: thfill Path withcolor white; fi; thfill Path withpattern pattern_water; %%thdraw Path; %outline, not needed as area drawn is defined by line border anyway %and border can be made invisible with subtype invisible where water meets sump in elevation enddef; def a_sump (expr Path) = %Bruce Mutton 2010.06.20 for Therion 5.3.8 T:=identity; thclean Path; pickup PenD; if known colour_sump_bg: thfill Path withcolor colour_sump_bg; else: thfill Path withcolor 0.7white; fi; thfill Path withpattern pattern_sump; %%thdraw Path; %outline, not needed as area drawn is defined by line border anyway %and border can be made invisible with subtype invisible where water meets sump in elevation enddef; endcode endlayout WaterShading layout LayoutColourSymbols #Still experimental (Dec 2011) and as per the comments in the code below, many of the default #'symbol-colour' statements do not work as I would like. The custom metapost #components work fine however. #affects colour symbol linework but not labels and not fills symbol-colour point station [54 7 60] #purple[54 7 60] #seems to affect +s, flag symbols and station text #survey cave symbol-colour group cave-centreline [35 16 16] # brown [35 16 16] # red brown [50 0 0] symbol-colour point cave-station [35 16 16] #ineffective? #symbol-colour point station-name [0 100 0] #survey surface symbol-colour group surface-centreline [54 74 29] # green [54 74 29] symbol-colour point surface-station [54 74 29] #ineffective? symbol-colour point flag:entrance [54 74 29] #ineffective? #magenta symbol-colour group equipment [80 0 40] # magenta [80 0 40] #dark blue # symbol-colour group water [22 22 95] # this breaks custom water definitions symbol-colour point water-flow [22 22 95] symbol-colour line water-flow [22 22 95] symbol-colour point water [22 22 95] # inconsistent? # symbol-colour area sump [22 22 95] # this breaks custom water definitions #light blue # symbol-colour area water [86 100 100] # this breaks custom water definitions #define colours for redefined water point & area code metapost %these colours affect fills, not the linework !color colour_water_bg; %! forces interpretation as metapost colour_water_bg := (0.86,1,1); %light blue !color colour_sump_bg; %! forces interpretation as metapost colour_sump_bg := (.22,.22,.95); %dark blue %these colours affect the linework !color colour_rope; %! forces interpretation as metapost colour_rope := (0.35,0.75,1.0); %blue %this colour for entrance symbol (not point station flag entrance) !color colour_entrance; %! forces interpretation as metapost colour_entrance := (0.54,0.74,0.29); endcode colour map-fg [97 86 38] # yellow brown colour-legend on endlayout LayoutColourSymbols layout CustomisedSymbols code metapost %Bruce Mutton 2010.06.20, after original author Georg Pacher %for Therion 5.3.8 beginpattern(pattern_sand); pickup PenC; p:= origin -- (0.01u,0.01u); for i=0.0u step 0.5u until 2.5u: %AUT is step 0.2u for j=0.0u step 0.5u until 2.5u: %AUT is step 0.2u draw p rotated uniformdeviate(360) shifted ((i,j) randomized 0.4u); %%AUT is 0.09u endfor; endfor; if BaseScale<=2.5: my_step:=2.6u; %mystep controls tessilation pattern, must synchronise with i, j above, was 2.4u else: my_step:=2.8u; %was 2.6u fi; patternstep(my_step,my_step); endpattern; def a_sand (expr Path) = T:=identity; %thclean Path; %makes passage colour more intense under area, not good for sand thfill Path withpattern pattern_sand ; enddef; beginpattern(pattern_pebbles); pickup PenC; path qq; for i=0.0u step 0.6u until 5.1u: for j=0.0u step 0.6u until 5.1u: qq := (superellipse((.05u,0),(0,.05u),(-.05u,0),(0,.-.05u),.75)) randomized (u/45) scaled (uniformdeviate(1.2)+.55) rotated uniformdeviate(360) shifted ((i,j) randomized 0.55u); draw qq; endfor; endfor; patternstep(5.1u,5.1u); endpattern; def a_pebbles (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withpattern pattern_pebbles; enddef; beginpattern(pattern_mud); pickup PenC; p:=(.0u,.0u) -- (0.25u,.0u); for i=0.0u step 0.6u until 5.4u: for j=0.0u step 0.6u until 5.4u: draw p shifted ((i,j) randomized 0.2u); draw p shifted ((i+.3u,j+.3u) randomized 0.2u); endfor; endfor; patternstep(5.4u,5.4u); endpattern; def a_clay (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withpattern pattern_mud; enddef; def p_slopearrow(expr pos,theta,sc,al)= U:=(.15u,.75u); T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos; thfill (-.15u,0)--(0,.75u)--(.15u,0)--cycle; enddef; def p_flowstone_GB (expr pos,theta,sc,al)= U:=(.13u,.1u); T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos; pickup PenC; p := ((-.13u,.1u){dir 60}..{dir -60}(.13u,.1u)); thdraw p shifted (.25u,-.12u); thdraw p shifted (-.25u,-.12u); thdraw p shifted (0,.12u); enddef; def s_scalebar (expr l, units, txt) = begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; tmpl:=l / Scale * cm * units / 2; tmpx:=l / Scale * cm * units / 5; tmph:=5bp; % bar height endgroup; pickup PenC; #Adjusted to make lines not stick out: 0.25*u/10,0 is half thickness of PenC (Andrew Atkinson) draw (-tmpl+0.25*u/10,0)--(tmpl-0.25*u/10,0); draw (tmpl-0.25*u/10,-tmph)--(-tmpl+0.25*u/10,-tmph); p:=(0,0)--(tmpx,0)--(tmpx,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; for i:=-2.5 step 2 until 2: fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0); endfor; begingroup interim labeloffset:=3.5bp; for i:=0 step (l/5) until (l-1): tmpx:=tmpl * (i * 2 / l - 1); label.bot(thTEX(decimal (i)),(tmpx,-tmph)); endfor; label.bot(thTEX(decimal (l) & "\thinspace" & txt),(tmpl,-tmph)); label.top(thTEX("Scale 1 : " & decimal round(Scale*100)),(0,0)); endgroup; enddef; def l_rockborder (expr p) = if abs(llcorner p - urcorner p) > u: l_rockborder_UIS(p); fi; enddef; def l_rockedge (expr p) = if abs(llcorner p - urcorner p) > u: l_rockedge_UIS(p); fi; enddef; let a_debris = a_debris_AUT; let p_debris = p_debris_AUT; let l_wall_debris = l_wall_debris_AUT; let a_blocks = a_blocks_AUT; let p_blocks = p_blocks_AUT; let l_wall_blocks = l_wall_blocks_AUT; let p_gradient = p_slopearrow; let p_flowstone = p_flowstone_GB; endcode endlayout CustomisedSymbols layout Mat_4Vall #resolution of final map scale 1 500 #position of header map-header 20 20 e #color of final map. color map-bg 85 # dle barvy [100 100 100] #color by altitude color map-fg altitude code metapost let p_gradient = p_entrance; endcode #type of used symbol sets SKBB/UIS/ASF/CCNP #symbol-set UIS #to show the names of surveying points #debug station-names #setup of grid grid bottom grid-size 50 50 50 m endlayout