encoding utf-8 source SlopingHole7.th export map -proj plan -layout local -o Output/SlopingHole7.pdf ##Produces a pdf map## #export map -o Output/SlopingHole7.kml ##Produces a map of cave on Google Earth. Entrance needs GPS or map reference to work. See Footlegs Tutorial## #export model -o Output/SlopingHole7.kml ##As above but produces a cave centerline on Google Earth## #export model -fmt survex -o Output/SlopingHole7.3d ##Produces a Survex 3d centerline## #export model -o Output/SlopingHole7.lox ##Produces a 3d model viewed with Loch the Therion viewer## #export map -proj plan -o Output/SlopingHole7_Walls.3d ##Survex file showing walls only## ############################ IMPORTANT ######################################################## ############################### NOTE ########################################################## #### The above lines are directing your output files to a folder up one level to a folder called Output. #### Your files are then directed to a folder called "YourCaveName"Output within the folder named Output. This is where your files will be placed. #### For example -o, means output at the same level as this config file in a folder called Output, ../Output, means place the files (pdf etc) up one level into a folder called Output. #### The next part of the instruction, SlopingHole7Output, means move your files down a level into a folder called "YourCaveName"Output. #### The next part SlopingHole7.pdf means that a file called "YourCaveName".pdf is created here. #### It Sounds complicated but it's not too bad when you try it. If you just use -o "YourCaveName".pdf then your pdf #### will be placed alongside the .th,.th2 and the thconfig files. #### Also always name your individual survey Output folder ie "YourCaveName"Output and not just Output, it avoids confusion when you have multiple #### surveys in the same survey directory which is what happens when you create a bigger project. #### When the .top file is processed by TopParsa the lines above will automatically insert your survey name, it goes in the SlopingHole7 fields. #### You will have to first create the Output folders. The main one "Output" will be in your survey directory alongside your survey/s folders. #### The next one will be "yourCaveName"Output and this is created in the folder named Output. #### So in effect your files are being directed by the thconfig up one level to a folder named Output and from there down one level #### to a folder named "yourCaveName"Output. Simples! #### Once you understand all of the above it can be deleted to streamline the thconfig. ######## ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################### ####################layout Local################### ################################################### #### Uncomment (#) to activate or deactivate layout comands as needed ### #### Any line with a # at the begining will be ignored.################## #### Below is a basic layout which will get you going. Try turning things on and off to see your pdf results change#### layout local base-scale 1 500 scale 1 50 symbol-set BCRA #debug station-names #debug on #colour map-fg altitude #colour map-fg scrap #colour map-fg [97 86 38] ##Pale Yellow## #colour map-bg [90 90 90] ##Light Grey## north grid #grid top #grid bottom #grid-size 10 10 10 m #grid-coords all #border ####Puts grid coords on intersections or at border if that is selected#### #rotate -90 ##Rotate map 90' #map-header 5 5 sw #legend on #transparency on #symbol-colour area water [25 50 100] ##Blue## #### The three numbers represent the three primary colours as a percentage#### #symbol-colour area sump [10 10 100] ##Lighter Blue## #### When applied together - Mixed - they make the finished colour#### #symbol-colour area flowstone [20 20 20] ## ## #symbol-colour line water-flow [22 22 95] ##Light Blue## #symbol-colour point water-flow [22 22 95] ##Light Blue## #symbol-colour point station [0 0 0] #symbol-colour group centerline [100 0 0] ##Red## #symbol-hide group centerline # 1. Hides all centerline and survey station symbols in cave. #symbol-hide point cave-station # 2. Hides all survey stations in the cave but not centerline. #symbol-hide group cave-centreline #### Add Topo Date to map #### #------------------------------------------- #code tex-map #/topodate {25 October 2017} #endcode ####CODE TO PUT BORDER AROUND MAP#### #------------------------------------------------------------ #layout layoutMapBorder #code tex-map #\framethickness=0.5mm #endlayout #LayoutMapBorder ###############HEADER OVERIDES############## ##Overide Therion Map Header Data### #------------------------------------------------- ####This adds a second and third line of text in the map header.#### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Change the cave details in the { } to what you want## #code tex-map #\cavename={Tom Taylors Cave\medskip \size[30] How Stean Gorge\medskip \size[30]North Yorkshire} #endcode ####This adds a comment on the map#### #----------------------------------------------------- #map-comment "How Stean Gorge" ####Overide cave length and depth automatically shown on map header to remove surface leg data etc#### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #code tex-map #\topoteam{BSD} ##Change team details in the { } to what you want## #\cavelength{164m} ##Change numbers in the { } to what you want## #\cavedepth{12m} #endcode endlayout