; Title: Providence Pot ; created 27/10/2015 by Patrick Warren (PBW) from an original by Steve Warren *begin ProvidencePot *export ppot1.1 *export ppot6.15 ; entrance at SD 99213 72887, alitude 401m ODN (from OS Terrain 50 dataset). ; OS Terrain 50 dataset Crown copyright and database right (2014). *entrance ppot1.1 *fix ppot1.1 99213 72887 401 *include ppot1 ; 060205 Dec 3 37 *include ppot2 ; 090405 Dec 3 36 *include ppot3 ; 040606 Dec 3 25 *include ppot4 ; 250509 Dec 2 57 *include ppot6 ; PBW added this line, 21/3/10 ; ppot5 has been moved into Dowbergill2.svx and renamed dgp8.svx *equate ppot1.25 ppot2.1 *equate ppot2.29 ppot3.1 *equate ppot3.26 ppot4.1 *equate ppot6.1 ppot4.5 ; PBW added this line, 21/3/10 *flags surface *include ppotsurf *flags not surface *equate ppot1.1 ppotsurf.12 *end ProvidencePot