encoding utf-8 survey Oldelevationwinnats input Oldelevationwinnats.th2 map Winns_underfox_Ee -projection extended OldelevationwinSE1 endmap centreline extend vertical FC5 extend vertical PW8 extend right PW11 extend vertical PW14 extend left PW18 extend vertical PW28 extend vertical PW33 PW34 extend left PW34 extend left PW35 extend vertical PW37 PW39 extend right PW39 PW40 extend vertical PW40 extend left PW41 extend vertical PW44 PW47 extend vertical PW47 PW48 extend vertical PW48 extend vertical PW49 PW50 extend left PW50 extend vertical PW52 PW53 extend left PW53 extend vertical PW57 PW58 #fix 26 413140 382820 390 #413155 382825 390 THESE ARE THE ENT CO ORDINATES FROM HITCH N HIKE #PETE WARDS ENTRANCE HEIGHT IS 404M AND APPEARS TO BE TOO HIGH IN AV #entrance 26 #begin ;JBs data starting in Main Chamber out to entrance #date 1976.10.28 #team "J.S.Beck" #team "K. Bentham" #team "NJD Butcher" #instrument compass "Silva" #instrument clino "Silva" #instrument Tape "Fibron" 1 2 5.2 53 42 #Starts at back of main chamber 2 3 5.4 105 44 3 4 1.95 254 15 4 5 0.93 226 0 4 6 3.36 154 37 6 7 1.78 173 -18 7 8 4.65 152 58 8 9 1.89 136 37 9 10 15.19 118 -2 10 11 2.71 111 60 11 12 4.8 41 23 9 13 19.94 254 -16 13 14 11.8 115 -11 13 15 11 120 18 13 16 4.42 300 37 16 17 3.53 293 18 17 18 2.24 332 2 18 19 2.26 303 25 19 20 1.79 262 45 20 21 1.29 0 90 21 21a 12.15 330 2 21 22 9.3 276 5 #21 is upturned slab in small chamber 22 23 3.39 329 14 23 24 3.51 311 35 24 25 4 358 50 25 26 3.69 348 46 #26 is entrance #end #begin ;Bens extension off station 10 #date 1976.11.03 #team "J.S. Beck" #team "K Bentham" 10 10a 3.1 235 19 10 10b 3.4 267 -10 10b 10c 2.62 227 2 10c 10d 6.08 242 0 #end #begin ;JB'S data out from bottom of fox chamber up into Main Chamber #date 1978.02.15 #team "J.S. Beck" #team "D.W. Gill" FC1 FC2 10.6 52 -12 #JB note book states compass 252deg, but think it must mean 52 FC2 FC3 15.3 66 4 FC2 FC4 10.7 70 2 FC2 FC5 8.7 105 0 #5 is top of main big boulder at bottom of fox ch. FC3 FC6 15.6 87 27 FC6 FC7 16.5 55 39 FC7 FC8 3.1 120 29 FC8 FC9 6.1 354 74 FC9 FC10 2.4 84 33 FC10 FC11 5.9 148 48 FC11 FC12 0.5 238 80 #JB notes "step 0.5 to 238" no clino reading. PW computer print out states 0.5 58 -80. not sure where he gets 80 from. #FC12 FC13 2 0 90 #JB notes "2m vert with 5deg hade to 328 up through squeeze" PW computer print out states -5 deg which is Prob not right. FC12 FC13 2 328 5 FC13 FC14 1.1 260 0 FC14 FC15 3 220 44 FC15 FC16 2.5 330 41 FC16 FC17 1 116 45 FC17 FC18 4.7 0 90 FC18 16 7.8 308 44 #end #begin ;PW's survey Down from Fox chamber, through sewer and to terminal Sump. #date 1988.08.14 #team "Pete Ward" #team "Mark Loftus" #team "P. Boardman" #PW applied a 7deg compass correction to all his legs #calibrate compass -7 FC5 PW2 4.3 256 -36 #Starts from JB's station 5 which was top of biggest boulder at bottom of Fox Chamber PW2 PW3 4.8 132 -56 PW3 PW4 4.2 25 -39 PW4 PW5 2.8 86 -46 PW5 PW6 2.5 184 -27 PW6 PW7 2.8 261 -49 PW7 PW8 0.8 269 0 PW8 PW9 3.6 0 -90 PW9 PW10 3.1 352 4 PW10 PW11 2.6 0 -90 PW11 PW12 0.7 20 -22 PW12 PW13 2.8 76 -27 PW13 PW14 2.4 124 15 PW14 PW15 3 194 -55 PW15 PW16 1.2 247 -56 PW16 PW17 1.1 0 -90 PW17 PW18 3.8 82 -51 PW18 PW19 4.1 104 -28 #shot across static sump "this is the sea" PW18 PW20 3.7 20 -11 PW20 PW21 6.6 306 -8 PW21 PW22 2.4 308 -12 PW22 PW23 3.6 298 -21 PW23 PW24 1.4 293 -38 PW24 PW25 5.8 312 0 #Through the Sewer PW25 PW26 1 0 90 PW26 PW27 1.9 314 21 PW27 PW28 2.3 311 -1 PW28 PW29 5 305 -27 PW29 PW30 0.8 0 -90 PW28 PW33 5.7 71 69 PW33 PW34 4.4 0 90 PW34 PW35 5.6 291 54 PW35 PW36 1.8 352 49 PW36 PW37 4.9 358 29 PW37 PW39 3 11 28 PW39 PW40 4.6 20 25 PW40 PW41 3 332 -4 PW41 PW42 3.6 302 -6 PW42 PW43 5.7 302 -4 PW43 PW44 3.2 252 -27 #PW43 is where upstream pitches go from PW44 PW45 2.6 316 3 PW45 PW46 3 317 -13 PW44 PW47 2.1 281 -15 PW47 PW48 10 303 -65 PW48 PW49 7.1 162 -24 PW49 PW50 2.7 0 -90 PW50 PW51 5.8 339 -30 PW51 PW52 4.2 288 -39 PW52 PW53 11.4 0 -90 PW53 PW54 2.5 309 -36 PW54 PW55 12.3 290 -37 PW55 PW56 7 262 -42 PW56 PW57 2.2 264 -49 PW57 PW58 7 0 -90 PW58 PW59 2.4 275 -22 PW59 PW60 4.2 0 -90 PW60 PW61 5 124 0 PW61 PW62 1.2 206 -36 PW62 PW63 4 161 -61 PW63 PW64 3.5 164 0 #PW63 is terminal sump #end #Upstream Avens #begin #Pete wards notes only contained a series of cartesian co-ordinates for these legs. #The survex result looks exactly the same as Petes hand drawn legs, so happy that this is acurate. #data cartesian from to easting northing altitude #PW43 US1 2 1.62 4.29 #US1 US2 -0.07 -2.09 0.52 #US2 US3 1.58 0.42 1.82 #US3 US4 0 0 4.6 #US4 US5 2.76 -2.15 1.49 #US5 US6 -4.66 4.83 0.71 #US6 US7 0 0 7.25 #US7 US8 -0.49 1.84 0.89 #US8 US9 0 0 4.45 #US9 US10 -1.46 0.31 1.55 #US10 US11 0.15 2.93 3.15 #US11 US12 -0.52 1.36 0.65 #US12 US13 -0.3 2.88 0.94 #US13 US14 -0.52 3.26 0 #US14 US15 0 0 5.9 #US15 US16 -0.85 1.53 0.03 #US16 US17 -0.68 1.14 0.9 #US17 US18 -5.82 3.63 1.84 #US18 US19 -4.03 3.38 1.61 endcentreline endsurvey