encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -896 700 141.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} SHWsketch6.PNG 0 {} scrap SHWsketch6SP1 -projection plan -scale [0 0 1600 0 0.0 0.0 40.64 0.0 m] line rock-border -close on 295.5 -328.25 295.5 -328.25 283.0 -323.5 265.75 -328.75 248.5 -334.0 244.25 -330.25 235.75 -337.0 227.25 -343.75 220.0 -351.75 219.5 -356.75 219.0 -361.75 220.5 -378.0 220.75 -381.75 221.0 -385.5 218.75 -392.0 214.25 -394.0 209.75 -396.0 227.5 -393.25 231.5 -396.0 235.5 -398.75 243.5 -411.5 257.75 -403.0 272.0 -394.5 295.75 -377.75 299.75 -375.0 303.75 -372.25 316.75 -358.0 315.25 -356.25 313.75 -354.5 298.25 -344.0 298.25 -341.75 298.25 -339.5 295.5 -328.25 295.5 -328.25 smooth off endline line wall 336.5 -736.5 336.5 -736.5 377.25 -667.75 381.5 -606.75 381.9 -600.97 382.25 -530.5 371.25 -513.0 360.25 -495.5 351.25 -478.5 325.25 -466.25 316.46 -462.11 287.5 -450.0 301.0 -430.75 314.5 -411.5 334.0 -402.75 342.75 -369.75 344.73 -362.3 351.5 -332.5 352.25 -329.5 353.0 -326.5 354.0 -317.0 350.75 -308.25 347.5 -299.5 335.0 -281.75 342.0 -275.5 349.0 -269.25 380.25 -260.5 386.75 -256.25 393.25 -252.0 446.75 -236.5 451.75 -237.5 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 214.5 -619.75 214.5 -619.75 208.5 -601.75 206.25 -622.25 204.0 -642.75 213.25 -671.5 216.0 -678.25 218.75 -685.0 230.0 -715.75 236.75 -694.25 239.95 -684.06 235.25 -663.5 232.75 -658.0 230.25 -652.5 214.5 -619.75 214.5 -619.75 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 206.75 -655.0 206.75 -655.0 189.5 -625.0 182.25 -619.75 175.0 -614.5 172.25 -619.25 173.25 -622.5 174.25 -625.75 179.0 -659.5 179.0 -659.5 smooth off 179.0 -659.5 184.75 -676.25 186.5 -675.0 188.25 -673.75 206.75 -655.0 206.75 -655.0 smooth off endline line wall 145.5 -247.5 145.5 -247.5 181.0 -255.25 187.0 -261.0 193.0 -266.75 214.5 -280.0 206.5 -288.75 198.5 -297.5 188.75 -315.75 186.5 -321.5 184.25 -327.25 184.75 -330.25 184.0 -334.5 183.25 -338.75 180.5 -340.75 185.0 -347.5 189.5 -354.25 185.5 -367.0 182.25 -372.25 179.0 -377.5 164.5 -401.0 162.5 -406.75 160.5 -412.5 154.0 -431.75 154.0 -439.0 154.0 -446.25 153.5 -460.75 146.25 -471.25 139.0 -481.75 124.0 -507.5 122.75 -512.25 121.5 -517.0 129.0 -526.0 131.75 -530.25 134.5 -534.5 131.5 -539.75 134.0 -546.5 136.5 -553.25 172.25 -571.5 172.75 -575.25 173.25 -579.0 168.5 -590.0 167.5 -593.5 166.5 -597.0 149.25 -632.25 149.25 -632.25 smooth off endline line wall 168.0 -157.0 174.25 -169.5 194.5 -171.75 197.0 -195.0 197.15 -196.41 191.75 -199.5 189.25 -201.25 186.75 -203.0 183.25 -208.0 184.5 -210.25 185.75 -212.5 190.25 -220.0 184.25 -219.0 178.25 -218.0 149.25 -217.5 149.25 -217.5 smooth off endline line wall 431.0 -173.0 431.0 -173.0 324.0 -192.0 311.0 -188.0 298.0 -184.0 268.0 -168.0 264.0 -160.0 smooth off endline point 195.0 -668.0 station -name 16 point 257.0 -359.5 label -visibility off -text [On original Sketch point 40 (AKA 15 on the model) is - Highest point of Large Boulder, however this doesn't work with placements etc on the Survex model, so binning the idea off of connecting this sketch to the therion model.] point 258.0 -353.0 station -name 15 -subtype natural endscrap