encoding utf-8 survey SEP_sump input SEP_sump.th2 map SEP_sumpMP SEP_sumpSP3 break SEP_sumpSP2 SEP_sumpSP1 endmap centreline #date 2013.12.13 #team "John Cordingley" instruments #team "John Cordingley" notes data normal from to compass clino tape extend right #SEP_sumpe data normal from to tape compass clino #remarks extend right calibrate compass 4.49 #T7 T6 4.20 323 -2 #T7 was a temporary station on a tripod #T8 T7 3.55 012 -13 #Temporary station on apex of a rock #T8 1 5.70 213 -5 #White paint splodge on upright slab to right of ramp down 1 2 1.35 041 -10 #Station 1 is white splodge on a upright slab to the right, of the start of the desscent of the bouldery ramp. 2 3 3.30 131 -30 3 4 0.60 0 -90 4 5 2.30 059 -25 5 6 4.00 090 -10 6 7 2.50 073 0 7 8 2.50 149 0 8 9 4.10 124 -3 9 10 6.80 143 -4 10 11 2.70 061 30 11 12 5.00 161 -18 12 13 2.10 142 5 13 14 3.00 146 0 14 15 8.00 125 -2 15 16 0.70 040 0 16 17 2.80 110 -18 #Station 17 is the start of SEP Sump, approx 0.5m long 17 18 2.50 135 0 18 19 2.00 110 0 endcentreline endsurvey