encoding utf-8 survey victoria_aven input victoria_aven.th2 map victoria_avenMP elephant_headSP1 victoria_lineSP2 victoria_lineSP4 george_cooper_avenSP5 break coal_chuteSP3 echo_avenSP9 break echo_avenSP8 break echo_chamberSP6 endmap centreline #date 1997.06.23 #team "Dave Nixon" instruments #team "Dave Nixon" notes #team "Guy Smith" dog data normal from to tape compass clino extend right calibrate compass 4.49 #Victoria aven flags duplicate 1.0 1.1 8.97 203.76 0 #0 is connection leg to main line survey, origin unknown for this leg 1.1 1.2 4.51 327.23 21.00 1.2 1.3 14.72 281.48 6.50 1.3 1.4 6.85 356.98 31.50 1.4 1.5 3.25 57.98 33.00 1.5 1.6 13.44 0.00 90.00 1.6 1.7 30.20 0.00 90.00 1.7 1.8 14.05 0.00 90.00 1.8 1.9 3.76 178.48 17.00 1.9 1.10 7.59 211.48 65.00 flags not duplicate 1.10 1.11 4.91 286.48 42.00 #12 is elephants head chamber 1.11 1.12 8.35 171.98 -2.50 #1st leg DN GS, Stal tip at back of EHC top of ramp down. 1.11 1.13 1.01 318.98 1.00 1.13 1.14 3.50 230.98 -1.00 #offset for other route to GC aven endcentreline centreline #date 2015.05.30 #team "Rob Eavis" instruments #team "Dave Nixon" notes #team "Luke Cafferty" dog #data normal from to tape compass clino extend right #Coal Chute Route to George Cooper Aven 1.12 - 0.95 74.70 -0.04 #tip of stal 1.12 - 0.26 257.95 9.05 #< 1.12 - 1.46 48.54 74.03 1.12 - 0.50 307.15 -85.50 #< 1.12 - 3.64 175.00 -2.80 1.12 2.1 11.66 352.74 1.79 #<; <; < 2.1 - 0.97 300.75 8.19 #< 2.1 - 1.86 149.09 2.70 2.1 - 2.84 229.76 71.75 #< 2.1 - 1.78 283.71 -84.87 #< 2.1 - 6.82 148.91 -27.93 #bolt down VA 2.1 - 3.48 193.28 4.29 #< 2.1 - 4.20 228.15 1.63 #< 2.1 - 2.66 253.92 6.05 #< 2.1 - 5.38 181.63 46.80 #< 2.1 - 5.01 158.52 55.43 2.1 2.2 4.38 215.17 -2.13 #<; <; < 2.2 - 1.43 99.11 10.54 2.2 - 0.56 273.92 13.58 #< 2.2 - 1.44 356.78 83.92 #< 2.2 - 0.53 144.03 -86.43 2.2 2.3 3.50 220.34 -9.82 #<; <; < 2.3 - 0.51 158.29 0.05 2.3 - 0.56 338.18 12.86 #< 2.3 - 1.61 295.53 83.14 #< 2.3 - 0.40 126.25 -76.35 2.3 - 1.59 11.97 55.63 2.3 - 2.40 6.93 19.11 2.3 - 1.58 39.68 48.49 2.3 - 1.31 87.89 61.41 2.3 2.4 2.56 274.37 -1.35 #<; <; < 2.4 - 0.42 191.06 8.60 #< 2.4 - 0.46 25.16 10.35 2.4 - 0.56 224.82 82.84 #< 2.4 - 0.31 145.93 -86.72 2.4 2.5 4.42 283.30 4.74 #<; <; < 2.5 - 1.20 145.20 8.15 2.5 - 0.62 46.20 17.28 2.5 - 1.73 87.25 67.55 2.5 - 0.30 254.40 -81.00 #< 2.5 - 3.02 176.76 27.66 2.5 - 3.98 186.74 52.25 #< 2.5 - 3.02 210.24 33.79 #< 2.5 - 1.18 278.20 48.04 #< 2.5 - 2.34 352.12 55.20 #< 2.5 2.6 3.75 232.82 7.40 #<; <; <; < 2.6 - 0.27 178.72 -4.00 2.6 - 0.93 7.83 6.82 2.6 - 0.68 3.40 45.20 2.6 - 0.79 8.50 -88.18 2.6 2.7 2.54 308.49 1.55 #<; <; < 2.7 - 0.64 216.07 -1.96 #< 2.7 - 0.40 60.78 -5.20 2.7 - 0.42 124.14 66.52 2.7 - 3.39 303.82 76.27 #< 2.7 2.8 2.08 343.53 8.65 #<; <; < 2.8 - 0.26 59.67 0.87 2.8 - 0.22 219.22 -5.31 #< 2.8 - 0.36 24.70 80.91 2.8 - 0.37 273.52 -65.37 #< 2.6 2.9 2.66 165.65 -36.19 2.9 - 0.31 62.52 4.93 2.9 - 0.27 240.80 7.16 #< 2.9 - 0.41 150.74 78.56 2.9 - 0.49 139.78 -81.97 2.9 2.10 2.54 146.48 -3.43 2.10 - 0.26 97.65 0.20 2.10 - 0.76 285.70 -1.16 #< 2.10 - 0.75 257.51 65.15 #< 2.10 - 0.32 281.80 -75.18 #< 2.10 - 1.30 221.85 8.16 #< 2.10 - 1.58 247.13 26.60 #< 2.10 - 0.96 261.19 31.62 #< 2.10 - 0.89 266.74 -5.65 #< 2.10 2.11 5.29 256.44 3.09 #<; <; < 2.11 - 0.34 138.61 3.28 2.11 - 0.38 336.77 11.23 #< 2.11 - 0.47 259.60 86.47 #< 2.11 - 0.36 318.21 -65.87 #< 2.11 2.12 3.05 220.89 5.76 #<; <; < 2.12 - 0.71 169.66 13.22 2.12 - 0.49 0.79 18.23 2.12 - 1.01 180.90 84.02 #< 2.12 - 0.35 288.81 -74.61 #< 2.12 - 1.54 73.41 8.22 2.12 2.13 3.78 267.49 41.61 #<; <; < 2.13 - 0.26 150.14 4.87 2.13 - 0.46 349.56 1.36 #< 2.13 - 0.55 356.03 70.45 #< 2.13 - 0.93 18.95 -83.41 2.13 2.14 2.57 268.17 56.20 #<; <; < 2.14 - 2.05 160.12 26.58 2.14 - 0.32 1.61 3.18 2.14 - 1.68 160.25 89.10 2.14 - 0.48 357.82 -86.92 2.14 - 1.13 190.8 22.00 #bolt 2.14 2.15 0.87 255.25 15.66 2.15 - 0.86 157.97 14.14 2.15 - 1.00 16.36 42.28 2.15 - 9.27 308.14 83.13 2.15 - 0.84 239.25 -73.57 2.15 - 1.43 260.10 4.00 2.15 - 2.02 334.67 24.59 2.15 - 2.17 218.20 -39.50 #bolt 2.15 - 6.59 179.10 -15.41 2.15 2.16 8.16 183.72 -54.02 2.16 - 1.36 77.16 0.04 2.16 - 0.28 263.04 -4.42 2.16 - 8.06 69.00 86.92 2.16 - 0.90 93.96 -74.32 2.16 - 2.29 116.60 21.02 2.16 - 4.27 162.11 18.93 2.16 - 4.01 131.29 58.28 2.16 - 4.93 157.94 54.67 2.16 - 1.43 176.04 36.90 2.16 - 2.30 105.47 -20.43 2.16 4.13 6.66 153.64 -31.38 #4.13 is connection to echo chamber ramp 2.16 2.18 2.14 357.13 -7.67 #shot into dig endcentreline centreline #date 2001.06.12 #team "Dave Nixon" instruments #team "Robbie Shone" notes data normal from to tape compass clino extend right #route to victoria line and foot and mouth passage #1 = Elephants head chamber, connection to DN/GS survey #102 = George Coopers Aven/Echo Chamber offset 1.12 3.2 3.25 180.33 5.00 #unknown surveyors 3.2 3.3 1.73 258.58 2.50 3.3 3.4 2.96 259.33 -52.00 3.4 3.5 2.65 203.08 -18.00 3.5 3.6 2.05 189.58 -10.00 3.6 3.7 2.21 122.83 -4.00 3.7 3.8 3.90 175.33 5.00 3.8 3.9 1.82 240.33 3.00 3.9 3.10 3.80 162.58 7.00 3.10 3.11 1.46 110.33 12.00 #11 = main T junction in Victoria Line 3.11 3.12 4.11 64.83 5.50 3.12 3.13 4.32 75.83 -1.00 3.13 3.14 2.95 102.83 -2.50 3.14 3.15 2.51 98.33 1.00 3.15 3.16 2.81 92.58 30.00 3.16 3.17 2.68 143.58 0.00 3.17 3.18 6.30 169.33 -10.00 #easterly termination 3.11 100 10.22 263.00 0.50 #DN,RS survey notes, 12 June 2001 100 101 6.60 291.50 -8.00 101 102 4.20 299.50 -2.00 102 103 4.83 230.00 17.00 103 104 2.20 218.50 -6.00 #104 105 4.80 272.00 2.00 #105 106 4.60 294.00 2.00 #106 107 1.00 0.00 90.00 #107 108 2.30 330.00 -15.00 #108 109 1.40 273.00 -20.00 #109 110 3.43 210.00 7.00 #110 111 3.10 248.00 4.00 #111 112 3.80 230.00 4.00 #112 113 8.35 255.00 4.00 #113 114 2.50 268.00 -3.00 #114 115 4.22 204.00 1.00 #115 116 5.89 230.00 4.00 #116 117 7.80 273.00 7.00 #117 118 8.60 275.00 0.00 #118 119 4.20 249.00 2.00 #119 120 4.25 282.00 7.00 #120 121 2.50 264.00 2.00 #121 122 3.50 271.00 22.00 #122 123 2.10 270.00 -14.00 #stal termination at end of F&M endcentreline centreline #date 2015.05.15 #team "Dave Nixon" instruments #team "Luke Cafferty" notes data normal from to tape compass clino extend right #echo chamber 4.1 - 3.31 156.97 0.98 4.1 - 3.18 166.49 0.23 4.1 - 3.62 171.03 0.68 4.1 - 1.34 236.79 -0.43 4.1 - 0.73 196.63 11.05 4.0 4.1 2.19 241.68 7.93 4.1 99 3.68 170.84 0.98 4.1 98 1.34 238.24 -0.46 4.2 4.0 1.25 297.60 1.98 4.2 - 1.84 322.39 -6.08 4.2 - 1.21 17.29 -8.64 4.2 - 1.97 124.43 0.99 4.2 - 1.15 73.02 -3.75 4.2 - 1.17 226.43 13.05 4.2 - 0.30 241.41 76.15 4.2 4.3 4.76 118.85 -66.47 4.3 - 2.19 322.86 4.41 4.3 - 2.05 157.42 0.53 4.3 - 1.72 209.03 77.34 4.3 - 5.84 338.40 -74.86 4.3 4.4 7.70 169.62 -84.98 4.4 - 2.69 348.39 -13.08 4.4 - 0.44 163.47 15.07 4.4 - 8.74 267.05 87.37 4.4 - 0.33 73.75 -81.23 4.4 - 0.43 78.77 2.13 4.4 - 0.34 268.50 4.67 4.4 4.5 9.18 338.63 -58.86 4.5 - 3.94 334.76 5.76 4.5 - 1.67 156.25 11.66 4.5 - 2.52 227.39 87.52 4.5 - 2.40 290.32 -87.38 4.5 - 8.48 181.50 -83.35 4.5 - 7.15 170.18 -78.49 4.5 - 2.23 162.06 -35.85 4.5 - 2.41 343.16 59.77 4.5 - 4.23 341.31 -26.79 4.5 - 0.74 260.84 -1.76 4.5 4.6 4.09 340.08 -43.76 4.6 - 0.55 319.66 8.37 4.6 - 1.44 164.45 10.06 4.6 - 2.62 113.58 87.56 4.6 - 1.16 300.65 -83.52 4.6 4.7 3.55 258.87 -70.24 4.7 - 1.77 153.64 3.36 4.7 - 1.40 349.26 17.86 4.7 - 2.38 223.94 81.63 4.7 - 1.87 265.31 -76.95 4.7 4.8 9.77 127.83 -83.34 4.8 - 0.55 102.27 8.87 4.8 - 3.97 242.52 6.90 4.8 - 4.31 163.36 75.01 4.8 - 1.72 249.85 -69.43 4.8 - 3.83 148.27 14.63 4.8 - 9.75 152.97 56.88 4.8 - 6.63 161.46 24.53 4.8 - 3.94 143.89 16.88 4.8 - 8.57 175.52 7.04 4.8 - 7.17 188.28 24.65 4.8 - 5.10 220.50 32.79 4.8 - 3.14 49.77 61.53 4.8 - 5.72 272.36 -5.87 4.8 - 10.53 296.60 -39.90 4.8 - 8.98 260.46 -51.96 4.8 - 17.13 189.11 -66.75 4.8 - 20.05 225.01 -80.39 4.8 - 16.60 174.07 -55.81 4.8 - 14.25 169.94 -36.54 4.8 - 6.90 152.96 -14.76 4.8 - 11.82 181.76 -27.92 4.8 - 11.54 299.89 -49.95 4.8 4.9 6.61 312.66 -29.12 4.9 - 2.56 246.75 -0.17 4.9 - 0.46 347.55 -9.22 4.9 - 5.92 252.71 76.42 4.9 - 0.74 251.34 -65.59 4.9 - 20.52 159.88 -36.93 4.9 4.10 7.92 316.50 2.82 4.10 - 0.56 230.65 6.32 4.10 - 1.36 52.34 8.44 4.10 - 4.97 160.15 71.79 4.10 - 0.52 49.88 -75.25 4.10 - 29.60 153.68 -31.47 4.10 - 33.45 152.55 -38.36 4.10 - 36.34 152.57 -42.45 4.10 - 30.20 150.81 -22.45 4.10 - 25.86 151.44 -12.46 4.10 - 21.35 149.40 10.01 4.10 - 16.68 146.22 22.16 4.10 - 7.52 13.73 79.24 4.10 - 6.65 110.74 81.96 4.10 - 7.33 131.46 62.51 4.10 - 8.16 140.77 41.89 4.10 - 9.30 144.15 25.10 4.10 - 9.84 343.05 -16.81 4.10 - 8.94 333.06 0.09 4.10 - 1.88 303.43 51.81 4.10 - 10.89 342.46 64.23 4.10 - 7.77 352.70 75.60 4.10 - 7.85 129.68 -77.37 4.10 4.11 16.34 344.67 50.98 4.11 - 1.24 278.60 9.39 4.11 - 0.29 61.41 38.05 4.11 - 6.30 238.80 84.74 4.11 - 1.61 39.84 -81.57 4.11 - 3.82 184.45 27.70 4.11 - 7.07 190.55 57.31 4.11 4.12 20.23 89.58 85.69 4.12 - 1.83 309.06 1.52 4.12 - 0.29 28.37 -2.08 4.12 - 4.05 277.97 82.17 4.12 - 22.19 275.87 -85.53 4.12 - 4.22 319.84 44.20 4.12 - 17.05 322.76 68.21 4.12 - 1.86 286.44 15.74 4.12 4.13 2.07 208.17 19.22 4.13 - 0.94 69.96 12.68 4.13 - 0.23 257.37 27.14 4.13 - 3.46 90.20 77.17 4.13 - 0.57 192.06 -76.42 4.13 102 4.56 136.93 40.18 #102 is connection to victoria line endcentreline endsurvey