encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -1403 1865 141.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} downstream_sump.jpg 0 {} scrap downstream_sumpSP1 -projection plan -scale [336.0 -496.0 125.0 -288.0 0.0 0.0 20 20 m] line wall 233.0 -899.0 234.0 -896.0 277.0 -883.0 283.0 -884.0 289.0 -885.0 327.0 -888.0 327.0 -888.0 smooth off 327.0 -888.0 357.0 -890.0 361.0 -888.0 365.0 -886.0 411.0 -868.0 415.0 -863.0 419.0 -858.0 453.0 -843.0 453.0 -843.0 smooth off 453.0 -843.0 477.0 -830.0 481.0 -822.0 485.0 -814.0 496.0 -796.0 496.0 -796.0 smooth off 503.0 -773.0 503.0 -773.0 529.0 -740.0 533.0 -739.0 537.0 -738.0 554.0 -722.0 557.0 -719.0 560.0 -716.0 582.0 -699.0 587.0 -702.0 592.0 -705.0 625.0 -717.0 625.0 -722.0 625.0 -727.0 642.0 -736.0 642.0 -736.0 smooth off 642.0 -736.0 655.0 -741.0 658.0 -740.0 661.0 -739.0 677.0 -736.0 680.0 -733.0 683.0 -730.0 693.0 -722.0 695.0 -719.0 697.0 -716.0 723.0 -700.0 730.0 -700.0 737.0 -700.0 755.0 -692.0 755.0 -692.0 smooth off 755.0 -692.0 772.0 -682.0 779.0 -678.0 786.0 -674.0 804.0 -674.0 809.0 -671.0 814.0 -668.0 832.0 -656.0 832.0 -656.0 smooth off 848.0 -639.0 endline point 585.0 -544.0 label -scale m -text "Downstream Sump" line wall 823.0 -621.0 823.0 -621.0 820.0 -626.0 813.0 -631.0 806.0 -636.0 793.0 -639.0 793.0 -639.0 smooth off 793.0 -639.0 784.0 -644.0 778.0 -645.0 772.0 -646.0 751.0 -652.0 751.0 -652.0 smooth off 736.0 -663.0 723.0 -675.0 700.0 -679.0 700.0 -679.0 691.0 -689.0 688.0 -692.0 685.0 -695.0 670.0 -705.0 662.0 -705.0 654.0 -705.0 631.0 -688.0 625.0 -687.0 619.0 -686.0 610.0 -677.0 610.0 -677.0 smooth off 596.0 -675.0 583.0 -674.0 562.0 -677.0 537.0 -678.0 522.0 -678.0 522.0 -678.0 507.0 -677.0 503.0 -679.0 499.0 -681.0 490.0 -688.0 489.0 -692.0 488.0 -696.0 479.0 -713.0 479.0 -713.0 smooth off 458.0 -734.0 458.0 -734.0 451.0 -749.0 453.0 -756.0 455.0 -763.0 459.0 -777.0 457.0 -780.0 455.0 -783.0 441.0 -803.0 440.0 -806.0 439.0 -809.0 423.0 -824.0 420.0 -826.0 417.0 -828.0 392.0 -836.0 392.0 -836.0 smooth off 392.0 -836.0 374.0 -840.0 373.0 -843.0 372.0 -846.0 351.0 -851.0 351.0 -851.0 smooth off 319.0 -851.0 296.0 -851.0 278.0 -855.0 253.0 -858.0 219.0 -870.0 endline point 820.0 -655.0 station -name 9 point 768.0 -664.0 station -name 8 point 659.0 -725.0 station -name 7 point 585.0 -688.0 station -name 6 point 516.0 -725.0 station -name 5 point 460.0 -820.0 station -name 4 point 367.0 -873.0 station -name 3 point 263.0 -873.0 station -name 2 line wall -subtype presumed 1110.0 -420.0 1110.0 -420.0 1093.0 -420.0 1087.0 -421.0 1081.0 -422.0 1021.0 -448.0 1009.0 -469.0 smooth off endline point 172.0 -916.0 station -name 1 point 152.0 -934.0 station -name 0 line rock-edge -close on 1062.0 -476.5 1049.0 -478.0 1049.0 -478.0 1044.0 -484.5 1046.5 -484.5 1049.0 -484.5 1058.0 -483.0 1058.0 -483.0 smooth off 1067.0 -482.5 1062.0 -476.5 endline line rock-edge 1089.0 -464.0 1089.0 -464.0 1083.0 -460.0 1080.5 -459.5 1078.0 -459.0 1068.0 -458.0 1068.0 -462.0 1068.0 -466.0 1074.0 -468.5 1074.0 -468.5 smooth off 1090.0 -467.0 endline line rock-edge -close on 1141.5 -481.0 1141.5 -481.0 1129.5 -469.5 1128.5 -468.0 1127.5 -466.5 1117.5 -457.5 1117.5 -457.5 smooth off 1105.0 -446.0 1105.0 -446.0 1097.0 -449.0 1096.5 -451.5 1096.0 -454.0 1112.0 -472.0 1112.0 -472.0 smooth off 1124.0 -481.5 1124.0 -481.5 1130.5 -486.5 1133.5 -487.0 1136.5 -487.5 1141.5 -481.0 1141.5 -481.0 smooth off endline line rock-edge -close on 1140.0 -439.0 1140.0 -439.0 1135.5 -439.5 1132.5 -439.5 1129.5 -439.5 1122.28 -436.41 1121.5 -438.5 1120.0 -442.5 1127.0 -444.5 1129.0 -444.5 1131.0 -444.5 1136.5 -444.5 1136.5 -444.5 smooth off 1140.0 -439.0 endline line rock-edge -close on 1159.5 -459.5 1152.0 -461.0 1147.0 -468.0 1154.5 -468.0 1163.5 -464.5 1159.5 -459.5 endline line rock-edge -close on 1162.5 -393.0 1157.0 -394.0 1151.0 -397.0 1148.0 -400.5 1156.0 -403.0 1165.0 -402.0 1166.0 -399.5 1162.5 -393.0 endline line rock-edge -close on 1143.0 -400.5 1139.0 -393.0 1132.0 -393.0 1133.5 -399.0 1141.0 -405.5 1143.0 -400.5 endline point 1238.0 -330.0 label -text [Water to
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Slop Moll] -scale m -align right line wall -subtype presumed 1074.0 -509.0 1117.0 -504.0 1117.0 -504.0 1167.0 -487.0 1170.0 -466.0 1173.0 -445.0 1187.0 -445.0 1187.0 -445.0 smooth off 1189.0 -429.0 1185.0 -409.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 1009.0 -469.0 1009.0 -469.0 998.0 -477.0 997.0 -480.0 996.0 -483.0 1003.0 -503.0 1003.0 -503.0 smooth off endline line water-flow 1163.0 -380.0 1163.0 -380.0 1156.0 -376.0 1169.0 -363.0 1182.0 -350.0 1184.0 -337.0 1184.0 -337.0 smooth off 1201.0 -321.0 endline line wall 1125.0 -387.0 1125.0 -387.0 1124.0 -401.0 1121.0 -411.0 1118.0 -421.0 1110.0 -420.0 1110.0 -420.0 smooth off endline line wall 1122.0 -366.0 1125.0 -387.0 subtype presumed endline line wall 848.0 -639.0 848.0 -639.0 861.0 -618.0 861.0 -614.0 861.0 -610.0 857.0 -574.0 857.0 -574.0 smooth off 857.0 -574.0 860.0 -557.0 861.0 -553.0 862.0 -549.0 868.0 -529.0 875.0 -527.0 882.0 -525.0 906.0 -530.0 906.0 -530.0 smooth off 929.0 -546.0 929.0 -546.0 948.0 -562.0 953.0 -562.0 958.0 -562.0 984.0 -550.0 984.0 -550.0 smooth off 1013.0 -531.0 1013.0 -531.0 1033.0 -519.0 1038.0 -517.0 1043.0 -515.0 1069.0 -507.0 1074.0 -509.0 smooth off endline line wall 1003.0 -503.0 1003.0 -503.0 988.0 -506.0 986.0 -509.0 984.0 -512.0 969.0 -521.0 969.0 -521.0 smooth off 969.0 -521.0 942.0 -516.0 939.0 -515.0 936.0 -514.0 917.0 -509.0 916.0 -506.0 915.0 -503.0 895.0 -493.0 891.0 -493.0 887.0 -493.0 866.0 -491.0 863.0 -493.0 860.0 -495.0 849.0 -511.0 849.0 -511.0 smooth off 840.0 -536.0 840.0 -536.0 829.0 -550.0 832.0 -558.0 835.0 -566.0 834.0 -579.0 835.0 -586.0 836.0 -593.0 833.0 -607.0 833.0 -607.0 smooth off 823.0 -621.0 endline point 1154.0 -413.0 station -name 17 point 1151.0 -449.0 station -name 16 point 1018.0 -518.0 station -name 15 point 963.0 -549.0 station -name 14 point 896.0 -510.0 station -name 13 point 870.0 -509.0 station -name 12 point 846.0 -566.0 station -name 11 point 848.0 -608.0 station -name 10 line rock-border -id l46-1123--368 -visibility off 233.0 -899.0 591.0 -896.0 887.0 -718.0 1341.0 -459.0 1185.0 -409.0 1122.0 -366.0 836.0 -387.0 294.0 -640.0 219.0 -870.0 endline area sump l46-1123--368 l45-169--908 endarea line rock-edge -id l45-169--908 219.0 -870.0 219.0 -870.0 222.0 -886.0 222.0 -892.0 222.0 -898.0 233.0 -899.0 233.0 -899.0 smooth off endline endscrap