encoding utf-8 survey rowter_hole_split_infinitive input rowter_hole_split_infinitive.th2 map rowter_hole_split_infinitiveMP rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP1 #rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP2 #rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP3 #rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP4 #rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP5 #rowter_hole_split_infinitiveSP6 endmap centreline #cs OSGB:SK date 2023.02.25 #team "Mark Sims" instruments #team "Mark Richardson" notes #1: (old) anchor at Party Sausage junction from main passage # 5: Party Sausage breakthrough rebelay knot # 10: Split Infinitive rebelay knot # 11: Top of obvious dark boulder at base of pitch data normal from to tape compass clino extend right 2 1 1.912 311.08 -8.13 # {from: 1.912 311.09 -8.11, 1.911 311.08 -8.12, 1.913 311.07 -8.15} 2 - 0.293 188.94 85.14 2 - 0.652 250.74 2.01 2 - 0.954 187.80 -82.94 3 2 3.723 9.94 21.05 # {from: 3.727 10.07 21.03, 3.723 9.95 21.03, 3.720 9.80 21.08} 3 - 1.495 65.43 78.96 3 - 0.450 88.35 6.03 3 - 3.134 211.45 4.84 3 - 4.445 178.09 -32.12 4 3 2.988 326.68 41.86 # {from: 2.999 327.42 41.80, 2.983 326.43 41.86, 2.983 326.18 41.91} 4 - 1.622 355.78 -0.78 4 - 1.043 285.64 7.27 4 - 3.108 266.33 59.89 4 - 2.861 193.78 2.37 4 - 6.003 196.17 20.78 5 4 7.134 40.41 82.14 # {from: 7.147 40.16 82.05, 7.126 40.61 82.12, 7.130 40.46 82.24} 5 - 0.544 6.23 -4.59 5 - 0.298 268.84 0.38 5 - 0.826 83.86 16.76 5 - 2.629 97.40 68.26 6 5 7.018 276.05 82.13 # {from: 7.021 275.97 82.17, 7.010 275.75 82.08, 7.022 276.42 82.14} 6 - 7.033 275.70 81.97 6 - 7.037 275.75 81.93 6 - 0.409 187.55 11.37 6 - 1.344 286.51 6.78 6 - 1.416 343.05 23.61 6 - 3.428 340.22 57.93 6 - 4.395 326.56 72.84 6 - 4.985 258.63 76.29 6 - 1.055 319.34 -61.30 6 - 2.114 227.39 80.44 6 - 0.612 225.31 19.45 7 6 2.182 225.49 80.81 6 - 0.732 242.68 -31.74 7 - 0.379 325.79 18.59 7 - 0.397 168.75 6.69 7 - 0.768 238.62 -21.75 8 7 0.796 65.17 24.82 # {from: 0.800 64.89 25.22, 0.794 65.45 24.65, 0.794 65.18 24.60} 9 8 3.696 273.31 61.05 # {from: 3.681 273.43 61.01, 3.699 273.33 61.06, 3.709 273.19 61.06} 9 - 1.248 257.89 -0.95 9 - 1.707 204.27 -8.90 9 - 1.584 13.90 9.74 9 - 1.411 330.18 9.87 9 - 1.099 281.15 -2.97 9 - 2.549 250.74 -46.41 9 - 2.212 309.79 -40.55 9 10 10.167 271.12 -65.93 10 - 1.500 48.61 -86.27 10 - 1.853 7.48 -3.09 10 - 2.053 48.15 1.77 10 - 1.334 57.17 -31.21 10 - 2.367 79.50 10.82 10 - 1.136 150.19 1.18 10 - 4.783 4.60 -46.95 10 - 7.257 2.35 -67.94 10 - 10.569 10.97 -74.83 10 - 6.372 25.92 -75.40 10 - 5.364 249.16 -78.24 10 - 5.559 146.86 -84.72 10 11 12.480 106.57 -88.17 # {from: 12.474 105.97 -88.20, 12.499 106.70 -88.07, 12.467 107.04 -88.23} 11 - 1.872 166.34 1.75 11 - 1.550 83.38 0.86 11 - 1.452 27.82 12.10 11 - 3.012 21.04 15.41 12 11 3.028 2.66 -47.64 13 12 2.553 6.32 16.05 # {from: 2.543 6.28 15.90, 2.560 6.34 16.06, 2.557 6.34 16.19} 13 - 3.438 55.94 -72.21 13 - 1.656 17.73 -30.43 13 - 0.954 319.84 -43.48 13 - 1.681 163.39 -85.67 13 - 3.036 328.51 72.54 14 13 2.700 222.86 63.32 # {from: 2.700 222.95 63.27, 2.700 222.74 63.38, 2.700 222.91 63.31} 14 - 0.631 203.54 14.02 14 - 0.512 262.03 5.09 14 - 0.527 352.77 3.45 14 - 3.053 76.25 -64.03 14 - 3.105 76.81 -64.11 14 15 3.098 76.59 -63.98 16 13 5.481 116.74 -72.12 # {from: 5.473 116.88 -72.02, 5.483 116.78 -72.18, 5.488 116.55 -72.17} 16 - 0.931 292.86 -5.53 16 - 0.754 6.18 -1.31 16 - 1.004 229.56 3.79 17 16 2.628 124.42 -71.64 17 - 0.539 24.92 -12.49 17 - 1.063 113.13 12.65 17 - 1.058 174.62 14.34 17 - 3.447 96.09 69.31 18 17 4.016 291.98 -63.24 # {from: 4.009 292.20 -63.03, 4.029 291.82 -63.37, 4.009 291.91 -63.33} 18 - 0.820 272.20 -19.62 18 - 0.594 270.81 37.11 18 - 0.996 193.47 13.60 18 - 1.429 359.13 -2.05 18 - 2.912 292.48 86.53 18 - 1.999 159.02 -81.93 18 - 1.992 157.22 -82.03 18 - 1.995 158.40 -82.25 18 - 1.524 12.19 39.98 18 - 0.753 191.76 5.89 18 - 2.876 24.61 82.56 18 - 2.521 10.05 88.46 18 - 2.434 37.82 80.55 18 - 2.432 106.16 87.11 18 - 2.569 31.85 81.61 18 - 3.824 19.36 80.57 11 19 6.016 11.70 -48.00 20 19 2.554 334.78 56.27 # {from: 2.555 335.08 56.25, 2.555 334.16 56.37, 2.551 335.10 56.18} 20 - 0.698 303.50 83.04 20 - 0.508 220.13 17.41 20 - 0.871 18.93 19.06 20 - 0.241 5.43 -65.98 20 21 2.758 91.45 -10.15 # {from: 2.754 91.40 -10.18, 2.763 91.48 -10.10, 2.756 91.48 -10.17} 21 22 4.00 0.00 -90.0 # approx leg from last breakthrough (end of crawl to miserable wet tube) 22 - 1.00 0.00 0.00 # approx splay to indicate direction of miserable wet tube endcentreline endsurvey