encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -236.51999999999998 -437.22 245.75 138.75 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 400 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {-108.52 1 1.0} {-309.22 0} Farnsley_Lane_Swallet-entrancep.xvi 0 {} # 2024.08.22 created by TopoDroid v. 6.2.44 scrap Farnsley_Lane_Swallet-entrancep -projection plan -scale [0 0 19.6850 0 0 0 1 0 m] line via-ferrata 7.23 -130.81 22.21 -112.13 endline line wall 108.06 -109.15 107.77 -109.13 105.03 -108.34 104.75 -108.25 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 104.75 -108.25 103.25 -107.75 101.75 -103.75 100.25 -101.5 smooth off subtype presumed endline line wall -subtype presumed 98.93 -103.18 100.07 -105.07 103.0 -110.5 101.58 -111.17 smooth off subtype presumed endline line wall 101.58 -111.17 98.65 -112.55 95.75 -112.5 95.75 -112.5 smooth off 95.75 -112.5 93.25 -112.51 88.42 -109.65 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 88.42 -109.65 88.42 -109.65 85.34 -108.34 83.42 -106.67 subtype presumed 81.5 -105.0 78.25 -104.0 77.5 -103.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed 88.22 -127.09 89.43 -125.77 93.0 -119.46 92.29 -117.88 89.55 -111.81 87.25 -112.0 87.25 -112.0 smooth off 87.25 -112.0 81.8 -109.74 75.5 -106.25 smooth off endline line wall 107.63 -120.62 108.68 -117.22 107.75 -114.36 108.49 -110.96 108.61 -110.39 108.67 -109.37 108.06 -109.15 smooth off endline line wall 87.67 -144.57 84.5 -140.0 90.3 -133.2 94.5 -129.0 95.33 -128.17 97.7 -124.38 98.75 -123.78 101.04 -122.48 106.35 -123.97 107.63 -120.62 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 103.75 -119.0 101.0 -123.5 106.02 -121.66 103.75 -119.0 endline line rock-border -close on 107.63 -120.62 104.75 -119.5 104.25 -116.0 107.44 -115.19 107.63 -120.62 endline line pit -outline in -clip off 99.65 -123.22 100.95 -122.01 103.7 -119.27 104.0 -117.5 104.25 -115.98 97.21 -116.79 98.0 -112.25 98.29 -110.58 92.68 -116.94 92.54 -118.56 92.27 -121.89 98.04 -123.44 100.27 -122.55 smooth off endline line wall 88.22 -127.09 86.98 -129.56 82.91 -128.28 80.98 -129.46 smooth off 74.32 -133.15 73.4 -138.03 endline line wall 81.79 -145.51 82.85 -144.44 84.7 -143.72 85.83 -143.72 smooth off 86.02 -143.84 86.71 -143.96 87.67 -144.57 smooth off endline line wall 87.78 -144.51 86.51 -142.96 86.21 -142.33 85.89 -142.09 smooth off endline line pit 74.32 -133.15 77.37 -134.56 80.51 -136.3 83.15 -138.58 84.83 -140.03 84.24 -141.59 86.72 -141.59 smooth off endline point 78.74 -133.52 label -text "c1.5" -align bottom-right -scale m point 95.97 -123.98 label -text "c2" -align left -scale m point 86.5 -133.5 gradient -orientation 35.8 -scale xs -align center point 92.75 -126.75 gradient -orientation 42.1 -scale s point 64.5 -154.5 gradient -orientation 58.6 -place top -scale s point 40.31 -132.16 gradient -orientation 148.7 -scale s point 30.66 -142.31 gradient -orientation 113.8 -scale s point 27.48 -121.64 gradient -orientation 129.5 -scale s point 16.5 -134.0 gradient -orientation 109.1 -scale s point 27.6 -131.22 gradient -orientation 124.8 -place top -scale m point 18.25 -124.75 gradient -orientation 121.7 -place top -scale m point 77.0 -138.25 gradient -orientation 38.1 -scale s point 78.0 -144.75 gradient -orientation 28.4 -scale m point 71.67 -148.69 gradient -orientation 38.1 -scale m line rock-border -close on 83.02 -135.6 86.03 -131.02 89.17 -131.98 87.04 -136.39 83.07 -136.21 83.02 -135.6 endline line wall 60.14 -150.49 61.58 -150.97 62.32 -150.53 64.0 -150.5 66.0 -150.46 73.4 -138.03 73.4 -138.03 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 86.84 -143.93 86.2 -143.66 86.84 -143.93 endline line wall 60.46 -150.57 57.93 -148.6 53.44 -146.36 50.81 -144.54 48.25 -142.77 46.54 -140.46 46.51 -138.88 smooth off endline line rock-edge 45.42 -151.85 54.25 -156.75 62.25 -157.5 62.25 -157.5 smooth off 62.25 -157.5 69.0 -155.75 72.41 -154.32 smooth off endline line wall 72.41 -154.32 76.22 -152.87 78.92 -148.38 81.79 -145.51 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 59.55 -151.03 58.76 -155.49 54.99 -153.51 55.98 -149.54 59.55 -151.03 endline line rock-border -close on 50.92 -146.07 54.49 -150.23 51.91 -153.8 47.35 -152.12 46.36 -147.26 50.92 -146.07 endline line pit 46.51 -138.88 43.39 -139.48 39.23 -142.34 38.99 -145.82 38.88 -147.37 38.66 -150.58 39.97 -151.73 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 38.76 -149.27 39.17 -144.88 38.75 -141.5 35.75 -140.0 32.5 -141.75 33.5 -145.25 36.39 -148.06 38.76 -149.27 endline line rock-border -close on 39.53 -142.91 35.5 -142.25 32.68 -139.2 33.89 -134.23 38.75 -135.5 46.51 -138.88 39.53 -142.91 endline line wall 29.35 -144.8 31.51 -145.34 33.15 -146.15 34.73 -147.73 37.56 -150.56 42.46 -149.87 45.42 -151.85 smooth off endline line wall 46.51 -138.88 44.23 -132.98 40.64 -127.7 36.17 -122.96 33.59 -120.21 29.34 -119.52 26.52 -117.2 22.36 -113.78 17.63 -106.82 11.21 -107.74 10.85 -107.79 10.49 -107.86 10.14 -107.94 9.77 -108.02 9.41 -108.11 9.06 -108.23 8.38 -108.46 7.68 -108.63 7.01 -108.91 4.66 -109.9 5.51 -114.26 5.65 -116.33 5.72 -117.29 5.84 -118.29 5.84 -119.25 5.84 -124.79 6.66 -131.77 10.92 -136.03 15.74 -140.85 23.41 -142.1 29.35 -144.8 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 24.0 -143.5 23.0 -140.75 23.91 -134.21 26.47 -128.96 30.44 -129.74 33.57 -133.58 33.07 -138.62 30.66 -142.31 27.5 -144.5 24.0 -143.5 endline line rock-border -close on 30.09 -131.87 27.67 -128.53 31.58 -122.93 36.05 -123.28 39.6 -127.82 40.31 -132.16 35.84 -133.93 31.58 -132.58 30.09 -131.87 endline line rock-border -close on 22.28 -131.37 20.86 -127.33 24.69 -118.24 29.59 -115.9 29.73 -122.14 28.03 -127.82 24.5 -131.5 22.28 -131.37 endline line rock-border -close on 14.33 -134.64 19.65 -128.39 25.9 -129.17 26.75 -134.07 24.27 -139.33 19.93 -140.82 14.82 -139.68 12.2 -136.2 14.33 -134.64 endline line rock-border -close on 7.23 -130.81 12.69 -123.56 23.13 -119.8 23.7 -125.41 17.88 -130.45 12.69 -133.5 8.57 -133.01 7.23 -130.81 endline line rock-border -close on 16.6 -121.72 18.51 -115.19 23.7 -113.34 24.05 -117.39 21.92 -121.29 16.88 -123.14 16.6 -121.72 endline point 12.54 -116.76 label -text "steep pile of big boulders" -align left -scale xs -visibility off line wall 45.42 -151.85 58.0 -158.5 65.25 -165.0 65.25 -165.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype unsurveyed 65.25 -165.0 65.25 -165.0 73.68 -171.89 84.5 -180.75 88.63 -184.13 101.25 -193.75 106.0 -197.75 smooth off endline line wall -subtype unsurveyed 109.25 -193.5 105.29 -189.96 100.32 -187.57 95.5 -182.75 93.17 -180.42 85.76 -174.85 85.25 -174.5 80.44 -171.13 72.51 -165.13 70.25 -161.75 smooth off endline line wall 70.25 -161.75 68.25 -158.0 72.41 -154.32 endline point 112.33 -196.13 label -text "body sized rift" -align right -scale s point 109.83 -196.13 continuation -align right -scale m -text "body" -attr who "Michael H" -attr what "Thrutch along middle of rift" -attr priority B -attr ref plan -explored 2.0m line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 107.81 -121.41 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 88.42 -109.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 107.3 -109.12 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 87.8 -128.16 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 76.02 -105.42 endline line u:splay -visibility off 84.84 -141.9 87.78 -144.59 endline line u:splay -visibility off 84.84 -141.9 75.93 -134.39 endline line u:splay -visibility off 84.84 -141.9 80.98 -129.14 endline line u:splay -visibility off 84.84 -141.9 65.55 -150.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off 56.8 -156.35 72.41 -154.32 endline line u:splay -visibility off 56.8 -156.35 54.27 -158.14 endline line u:splay -visibility off 56.8 -156.35 60.42 -150.0 endline line u:splay -visibility off 56.8 -156.35 50.5 -144.3 endline line u:splay -visibility off 56.8 -156.35 39.53 -142.91 endline line u:splay -visibility off 35.14 -137.1 41.69 -128.64 endline line u:splay -visibility off 35.14 -137.1 50.76 -145.9 endline line u:splay -visibility off 35.14 -137.1 29.35 -144.8 endline line u:splay -visibility off 35.14 -137.1 116.73 -203.49 endline point 98.43 -118.11 station -name "7" point 91.17 -114.69 station -name "6" point 84.84 -141.90 station -name "8" point 56.80 -156.35 station -name "9" point 35.14 -137.10 station -name "10" point 43.01 -132.35 station -name "11" line floor-meander -scale xs -place top 62.25 -157.5 67.0 -163.25 108.25 -196.0 endline endscrap