; 2025.01.02 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.95 ; farnsley_lane_pot ; This survey is intended to be a temporary one, to investigate the location of the pot relative to the cave. ; Instrument: DistoXBLE 0138 - Motorola Defy ; GPS location of Station 0 is around 53.2776 North, 1.6861 West. This is from a single unreliable measurement taken on the day. ; GPS location of Station 3 is around 53.2777 North, 1.6860 West. This is from a single unreliable measurement taken on the day. ; The above coordinates seem inaccurate *begin farnsley_lane_pot *date 2025.01.01 *team "Michael H (drawing), Tom B (instrument)" *units tape meters *units compass degrees *units clino degrees *alias station - .. *flags not splay *export 0 ;Entrance to Farnsley Lane Cave *entrance 0 *data normal from to tape compass clino 0 1 9.66 79.6 1.1 ; Station 0 is 0 from Farnsley Lane Cave survey. Marked with a scratched X. 1 2 4.80 36.8 8.3 2 3 10.17 7.6 -2.5 ; Station 3 is a dead branch above pot 3 A 25.21 135.7 -23.7 ; Station A is a telecom pole on the road. BT pole with metal "4" tag on it, and "B 8 2" carved in. ;3 - 25.17 135.2 -23.6 ; Station is a double check of the leg the telecom pole 3 - 2.09 337.4 -34.7 3 - 2.20 323.9 -35.5 3 - 2.22 55.4 -30.0 3 - 1.30 160.2 -53.9 3 - 1.38 307.3 -55.5 3 - 1.41 128.1 -54.7 3 - 3.00 47.9 -20.1 3 - 2.88 85.8 -28.9 3 - 2.15 136.4 -31.3 3 - 3.44 172.2 -23.4 3 4 5.74 32.4 -82.2 ; Station 4 is the bottom of the pot 4 - 0.81 120.6 -0.8 4 - 0.15 210.8 -1.3 4 - 0.50 306.6 2.9 4 - 0.44 31.4 4.9 4 - 1.28 144.4 -6.3 *flags not splay *units left meters *units right meters *units up meters *units down meters ;*data passage station left right up down ;3 1.4 1.4 1.00 1.08 ;4 0.50 0.8 1 0.4 *end farnsley_lane_pot