encoding utf-8
# 2025.01.02 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.95
source "./farnsley_pot.th"
layout local
symbol-set BCRA
legend off
legend-columns 1
symbol-hide group centerline
symbol-hide point station
debug off
scale 1 100
code metapost
def a_pebbles (expr p) =
pickup PenC;
path q, qq; q = bbox p;
picture tmp_pic;
tmp_pic := image(
for i = xpart llcorner q step 0.55u until xpart urcorner q:
for j = ypart llcorner q step 0.55u until ypart urcorner q:
qq := (superellipse((.2u,0),(0,.1u),(-.2u,0),(0,.-.1u),.75))
% randomized (u/25)
rotated uniformdeviate(360)
shifted ((i,j) randomized 0.7u);
if xpart (p intersectiontimes qq) < 0:
thdraw qq;
clip tmp_pic to p;
draw tmp_pic;
#layout combined
layout colour
colour map-fg altitude #[97 93 43]
layout empty_header
code tex-map
layout elevation
map-header 50 111.79986718266315 nw #place map header in top left corner
map-comment "Elevation
WGS84 UTM 30U 587295 5903776 Alt: 292m
BCRA Grade 5d
Drawn by Michael Holliday
Survey by Michael Holliday & Toby Ward"
map-image 95 -9.79986718266315 se legend.png
scale 1 100
layout plan
map-header 0 97.79986718266315 nw #place map header in top left corner
map-comment "Plan
WGS84 UTM 30U 587295 5903776 Alt: 292m
BCRA Grade 5d
Drawn by Michael Holliday
Survey by Michael Holliday & Toby Ward"
map-image 80 100 nw legend.png
scale 1 30
#Colour exports
#export map -layout local -layout plan -layout colour -o Farnsley_pot_colour_plan.pdf -proj plan
#export map -layout local -layout elevation -layout colour -o Farnsley_pot_colour_elevation.pdf -proj extended
#B&W exports
export map -layout local -o Farnsley_pot_plan.pdf -proj plan #-layout plan
export map -layout local -o Farnsley_pot_elevation.pdf -proj extended #-layout elevation
#export map -layout local -layout-map-comment "Plan" -layout empty_header -layout-map-header 10 125 nw -o FP_plan.pdf -proj plan
#Combined export
#First unhash the following line, to prepare the Extended Elevation
export map -layout local -layout empty_header -layout-map-header 10 125 nw -layout-map-comment "Elevation" -o FP_elevation.pdf -proj extended
#Edit to remove the excess border, then run the following
export map -layout local -output Farnsley_pot.pdf -proj plan \
-layout-map-image -50 100 nw FP_elevation.pdf \
-layout-map-comment "Plan" \
-layout-map-header 40 135 n
export map -layout local -layout empty_header -layout-map-header 10 125 nw -o FP_elevation_2.pdf -proj extended #-layout-map-comment "Elevation"