encoding utf-8
# 2024.08.22 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.44
source "Farnsley_Lane_Swallet.th"
input ..\Globallayouts.thc
layout A4elevation
map-header 50 111.79986718266315 nw #place map header in top left corner
map-comment "1:100 scale Extended Elevation
WGS84 UTM 30U 587295 5903776 Alt: 292m
BCRA Grade 5d
Drawn by Michael Holliday
Survey by Michael Holliday & Toby Ward
Surveyed 22/08/2024"
map-image 95 -9.79986718266315 se ..\legend.png
scale 1 100
layout A4plan
map-header 0 97.79986718266315 nw #place map header in top left corner
map-comment "1:30 scale Plan
WGS84 UTM 30U 587295 5903776 Alt: 292m
BCRA Grade 5d
Drawn by Michael Holliday
Survey by Michael Holliday & Toby Ward
Surveyed 22/08/2024"
map-image 80 100 nw ..\legend.png
scale 1 30
layout combined_plan
symbol-hide point label #Otherwise the text is in the way
#code metapost
#fonts_setup( 2, 6, 10, 20, 30 ); #Doesn't seem to override the fonts_setup in Main_layout
##A4 exports
export map -layout Main_layout -layout colour -layout A4plan -o Farnsley_Lane_Swallet_plan.pdf -proj plan
export map -layout Main_layout -layout colour -layout A4elevation -o Farnsley_Lane_Swallet_elevation.pdf -proj extended
##Combined export at different scales
###Not currently working - probably needs edits to the sketches to work well.
#First unhash the following line, to prepare the Extended Elevation
#export map -layout Main_layout -layout colour -layout empty_header -layout-map-header 25 100 nw -layout-map-comment " 1:100 Extended elevation" -o FS_elevation.pdf -proj extended -layout-map-image 25 90 nw scale.jpeg\
#Edit the above output to remove the excess border, re-hash the line above, then run the following
export map -layout Main_layout -layout A4plan -layout colour -output Farnsley_Lane_Swallet.pdf -proj plan \
-layout-map-image 100 0 sw FS_elevation.pdf \
-layout-map-header 0 60 sw \
#Then use a pdf editor to:
#Remove "1:30 scale Plan" from the header
#Add "Plan" text in a suitable place above the plan
#Add "Legend" above the legend
# ##Combined export at same scale
# ###Not currently working - probably needs edits to the sketches to work well.
# #First unhash the following line, to prepare the Extended Elevation
# #export map -layout Main_layout -layout colour -layout empty_header -layout-map-header 40 105 nw -layout-map-comment " Extended elevation" -o FS_elevation.pdf -proj extended \
# #Edit the above output to remove the excess border, re-hash the line above, then run the following
# export map -layout Main_layout -layout combined_plan -layout colour -output Farnsley_Lane_Swallet.pdf -proj plan \
# -layout-map-image 100 0 sw FS_elevation.pdf \
# -layout-map-comment "WGS84 UTM 30U 587295 5903776 Alt: 292m
BCRA Grade 5d
Drawn by Michael Holliday
Survey by Michael Holliday & Toby Ward
Surveyed 22/08/2024" \
# -layout-map-image 70 90 sw ..\legend.png \
# -layout-map-header 0 150 sw \
# #Then use a pdf editor to:
# #Add "Plan" text in a suitable place above the plan
# #Add "Legend" above the legend
##Leads list export
export continuation-list -o FLS_leads.html
###tweak legend #Not currently needed
###Removing from legend
text en "point danger" ""
text en "point gate" "lid"
text en "line u:shuttering" "scaffolding"
text en "line rock-border" "rocks"
text en "line map-connection" ""
text en "line wall:bedrock" ""
text en "line wall:presumed" ""
text en "line floor-step" ""
text en "line floor-meander" ""
text en "line pit" ""
text en "line rock-edge" ""
text en "point continuation" ""
text en "point gradient" ""
text en "area blocks" ""
text en "line rock-border" ""