; 2024.12.29 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.95 ; Sarahs_cave ; Instrument: DistoXBLE 0138 - Motorola Defy ; GPS location of Station 0 (entrance) is around 53.2777 North, 1.6798 West. This is from a single measurement taken on the day. ; Altitude at 230m based on online elevation tool *begin Sarahs_cave *date 2024.12.29 *team "Michael H (drawing), Tom B (instrument), Ben Marks (Dog)" *calibrate declination 0.21 ;From NOAA website *units tape meters *units compass degrees *units clino degrees *alias station - .. *flags not splay *export 0 *entrance 0 *data normal from to tape compass clino 1 0 3.45 332.6 -3.0 ; Both stations are White Tippex 1 - 0.53 48.8 0.5 1 - 0.04 241.7 1.4 1 - 0.23 314.0 82.2 1 - 0.68 313.5 -84.8 1 - 2.83 318.4 -9.7 1 - 2.67 147.6 6.7 1 - 2.15 149.1 -2.9 1 - 1.40 145.5 -2.4 *flags not splay *units left meters *units right meters *units up meters *units down meters *data passage station left right up down 1 0.69 0.51 0.31 0.68 0 0.60 0.0 0.30 0.40 *end Sarahs_cave