; 1. Each group of caves which are tied together by underground or surface data ; have only one UTM grid fixed point linked to the data ; 2. Matt has placed fixed points for Blackrock in the Blackrock.svx file and ; likewise for Whiterock. These are normally turned off. The only GPS UTM data ; linked survey stations are: ; Whiterock Junction (Whiterock Surface sta37) for Clearwater System ; River Crossing for Campfire Cave ; Cobra entrance for Paku Caves (made up coordinate) ; Other GPS fixed points are generated from this file but not physically ; linked to a station ; 3. This file contains fixed points which are not tied into a survey station ; but are used in the Api_Master.svx file to show relative locations ; 4. When the GPS fixed point for Whiterock surface junction was fixed with no error ; value the, non linked, Dapa GPS was only 3m from the entrance station (but 8m above) ; suggesting some degree of accuracy ; 5. Racer entrance GPS appeared 42m to the north east of and 5m below the entrance ;******************************************************************************************* ; Floating GPS fixed points (not tied into surved data) ;The Bat Cave (Melinau Gorge 1995; (MK RC PO Kalang) ;Richard GPS Megellan SporTrakColOur on 2005:10.05 2D fix ;*fix The_Bat_Cave 0267088 0456328 161 25 20 ;not tied to any survey data ;*** ;Blackrock ;Richard GPS Megellan SporTrakColOur on 2005:09:21 2D reading only *fix Dapa 262403 0454072 130 50 100 ;these are actual coordinates and are not fixed to a survey point ; height made up to match Blackrock and whiterock heights GPS actually read 73m ; not fixed to a fixed point, uses survex data through cave tied to ; Whiterock_Surface.37 0263576 0455936 101 00 master fixed point ;Richard GPS Megellan SporTrakColOur on 2005:09:28 ;*fix Racer 0262876 0454594 83 25 50 ;these are actual coordinates and are not fixed to a survey point ;*** ;Hidden Valley ;*fix Heli_Pad 0265080 0451551 414 00 ; not tied into the survey data as would cause ; conflict with Cobra entrance fixed point ;*** ;Camp 5 ;*fix camp5camp 0266216 0457549 110 ; location from 2005 gps, height from 1992 cave science ;Solo (surveyed by Tim & Pam 2006, 536m N04 05 04.1 E114 51 02.7) ;converted to UTM using www.dmap.co.uk ;*fix Solo 0261380 0451788 536 ;Matt's estimate of Solo before Tim's trip was ;*fix MattSolo 0261319 0451613 381 ;********************************************* ;Coordinates derived from Flash Earth aerial photo ;*fix flashsolo 261328 451755 536 ;Park HQ ;*fix ParkHQ 257088 447126 22 ;Clearwater ;*fix clearwater 259348 449640 25 ;Wind Cave ;*fix Windcave 259130 449180 25 ;Camp 5 ;*fix C5bridge2 266280 457518 110 ;Long Lutut ;*fix Longlutut 259882 453295 60 ;Camp 4 *fix camp4 268629 447465 1800 ;Camp 3 *fix camp3 266312 446365 1310 ;Mulu Summit *fix mulu_summit 270141 447430 2376 ;Api Summit *fix api_summit 265936 453601 1710 ;mixture of wire frame for plan position and flash earth for height ;*************** ; From Dickie '06 summer, need converting to UTM ;Bat Observatory: ;N 04 deg 01' 23.6" ;E 114 deg 49' 21.9"; ;*fix Dick06_Bat_Observatory 258252 445022 100 ;converted using www.dmap.co.uk ;HQ Helipad ;N 04 deg 02' 33.4! ;E 114 deg 48' 47.7" ;*fix Dick_06_HQ_helipad 0257203 447169 25 ;converted using www.dmap.co.uk ;Nasib Bagus, last river crossing (where the resurgence water joins the Paku) ;N 04 deg 03' 57.9" ;E 114 deg 51' 58.3" ;but only to c40m accuracy ;***************** ;*fix moose_Midnight 0263785 0455936 197; Moose's GPS ;**************** ;Canopy Cave Area 2005 *fix Robs_pit 267117 456695 100 *fix Masaks_Cave 267132 456711 100 *fix Cave 267199 456477 100 *fix small_entrance 267071 456718 100 *fix Andrews_shelter 266936 456412 150 *fix Hole 267032 456519 150 ;**************** ;Racer Entrance; 28 sept 2005; by DW/PO/MK/RC ;*fix Racer_entrance 262876 0454594 10 ;**************** ;From Dave Clucas 9/10/08 ;*fix Cluke_08_Stonehorse_entrance 0257830 0445374 103 ;+/- 18m alt 103m accuracy unknown ;*fix Cluke_08_Deer_Cave_gate 0258319 0445097 65 ;+/- 15m ;*fix Cluke_08_Deer_Cave_helipad 0258101 0445047 63 ;+/- 15m ;*fix Cluke_08_HQhelipad 0257219 0447151 33 ; +;/- 7m ;2009 ;from Richard Chambers' Magellan Sporttrack colour ;*fix RHC_09_Sandrock_ent 0266618 0457103 218 ;*fix RHC_09_Doline_Base 0266655 0457146 202 ;*fix RHC_Northern_Ent 0266380 0457200 109; Richard's fix at Parangs Ent ;*fix RHC_Camp5_Bridge 0266228 0457558 138 ;Camp 5 X roads datum all GPSs on same day same time ;*fix RHC_Camp5_XRds 0266157 0457535 112; Richard Chambers Magellan Sportrack Colour ;*fix PH_Camp5_XRds 0266156 0457537 118; Pete Hall's ?? ;*fix AS_Camp5_XRds 0266159 0457536 138; Adam Spillane's ?? ;*fix Cluke_Camp5_XRds 0266157 0457538 136; Dave Clucas ?? ;Midnight Entrance RHC's Magellan Sportrack Colour 22 Feb 09 ;*fix RHC_09_Midnight_Entrance4 0263784 0455933 207; Last reading ;*fix RHC_09_Midnight_Entrance3 0263785 0455930 212; Third reading ;*fix RHC_09_Midnight_Entrance2 0263786 0455930 197; Second reading ;*fix RHC_09_Midnight_Entrance1 0263786 0455931 204; First reading ;*********************** ;2011 Data ;*fix Midnight_entrance_MWB 0263903 0455879 115; Mark Brown's Garmin G12 13.20 ;*fix m1_dig_MWB 0264409 0457464 100; Taken by Mark Brown using Andy Eavis' Garmin GPS map 62S ;*fix track_stream_crossing ;Kevin Dixon's Dual Frequency Geoidal GPS fixes ;*fix HQ_helipad_KD 0257218.28 447151.22 23.94 ;*fix Bat_Observatory_KD 0258287.77 445067.89 28.52 *fix Clearwater_Cave_Fake_0_KD 0259115.52 449172.92 28.34 ;;*fix Camp5_Bridge_KD 0266215.13 457571.04 124.51 ;;;*fix Camp5_Crossroads_KD 0266159.87 457538.47 124.14 ;*fix Camp5_helipad_KD 0266249.058 457568.966 123.498 ;*fix Terikan_Resurgence_KD 0268127.54 463073.84 63.08 ;*fix Whiterock_midnight_ent_KD 0263796.31 455930.37 203.09 ;*fix Cobweb_Cave_ent_KD 0267441.36 461014.54 127.65 ;*fix Benarat_Caverns_ent_KD 0267004.19 458018.58 271.96 ;*fix Deer_Cave_Helipad_KD 0258101.44 445045.28 20.95; *fix bridgesouth 0264226 0457545 80 *fix m1_dig 0264409 0457464 82 *fix m2_resurgence 0264704 0457431 83 *fix m3_sinks 0264987 0457410 83 ;*********************** ;2012 Data ;*fix PS2 0263319 0450150 454 ;*fix PS1 0263410 0450283 540 ;*fix RLMC_1 0263272 0450282 477 ;Average of three readings ;*fix RLMC_2 0262975 0450344 488 ;Estimated elevation ;*fix Train_Cave 0263433 0450504 555 ;*fix Train_Cave_2 0263424 0450519 573 ;************************ ;*fix Racer_fake_GPS 0258879 0448733 33 ;*fix Cluke_Racer 0258874 0448745 33 ;************************ ;2014 data ;*fix High_Noon_Entrance_GPS 0261930 451561 500.0; level estimated by MK