#date 2010-03-10 ;Tham Pha Ngam, Chae Son National Park, Lampang #units meters order=dav ;Book -Martin Ellis ;Inst. - Phil Collett - SAP & Leica Disto #seg /cave ;continuation of upper passage beyond crawl LA0054A:1 2 1.8 239 -56 2 3 4.24 172 -1 <0.5,0.2,0.2,0> 3 <0.5,0.5,0.3,0,172> 4 3 1.66 337 -55 4 5 14.1 175 4 <0,1.5,1,1> 5 6 11.79 184 5 <0.2,2,3,1> 6 7 13.07 182 3 <0.7,0,3,1.4> 7 8 11.46 206 1 <0.5,0.2,1,1> 8 9 10.82 183 5 <3,0,14,1.3> 9 10 10.46 194 10 <1,3,8,1.8> 10 11 5.34 155 -18 <2.5,0,4,1.3> 11 12 4.42 189 2 <0,1,1,0.1> 12 13 2.34 130 9 <1.5,0.1,2.5,0.1> 13 14 11.88 173 00 <0,0.6,0.3,0.6> 14 15 5.03 123 7 <2.5,0,7,0.2> 15 16 8.04 165 6 <0.2,1,1.5,1> 16 17 12.1 140 8 <2,0,7,1.4> 17 18 16.27 180 21 <0,3,6,0.2> 18 <1.5,1.5,0,3> ;streamway through sump and Tham Nam #seg /duplicate LA0054B:56 201 42.29 21 -3 #seg /cave ;sump 201 202 1.92 100 -35 <1,1,0,0.2> 202 203 1.51 100 17 <0.2,0.2,0.2,0> 203 204 5.44 42 -15 <0.5,0.1,0,0.2> 204 205 1.59 347 -21 <0,0.4,0,0.2> 205 206 4.78 332 3 <0.6,0,0.3,0.1> 206 207 3.66 349 36 <1,4,0.4,0> ;Tham Nam 207 208 18.28 342 00 <2,2,0,0.6> 208 209 12.54 46 1 <2,3,4,0.5> 209 <5,0,5,1.9> #note 209 Tham Nam ;Maze LA0054B:3 101 7 9 -2 101 102 3.41 354 7 <0.6,0,0.5,1> 102 103 3.68 266 10 <1,0,2,1.4> 103 <1,0.2,3,2,266> LA0054B:7 103 1.62 153 -13 LA0054B:6 104 3.84 260 -13 104 105 5.96 205 15 <1,0,2,0.3> 105 <1,1,2,1> LA0054B:5 106 3.53 15 59 106 107 2.41 21 24 <1,1,5,1> 107 108 9.84 9 00 <1,2,3,0.3> 108 109 5.62 75 12 <0,2.5,3,0.2> 109 LA0054A:14 11.73 75 -2 <0,6,6,1> ;possible inlet passage on rift/fault/joint LA0054A:27 27a 11.27 223 25