Cave Registry Data Archive

....keeping data safe

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Most data in this repository is published under a Creative Commons license.
Creative Commons License

However please check individual files and folders for further information.

The Little Neath River Cave was discovered, explored and surveyed mainly by members of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society between 1967 and 1987. Three reports on the cave were published, in 1967, 1971 and 1988. Each of these was accompanied by a survey of the cave. In 2008, the raw survey data was typed up, using Survex, and it is this data that appears in this archive. However, the dataset is incomplete. Much of the cave was resurveyed between 1967 and the publication of the second version of the survey in 1971. All this data is intact, as is later data, but some parts of the cave were not included in the resurvey project. When the 1971 drawing was completed, by A.G. Wilkins, who computerised the data and produced centre-line drawings using his own computer program running in Fortran, he found that much of the original data had already been lost and so he had to draw in those parts of the caves, including sumps 2-4, copying the 1967 drawing.

This is a perfect example of why this archive has been started.

Published Surveys and Models

The 1988 plan drawing of the cave as a pdf by the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society

The Little Neath River Cave "Survex" 3D file by the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society

The Little Neath River Cave "Therion" 3D file by the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2010

The models are not as good as they might be as they lack the data that had been lost prior to 1971. Some of this has been replaced by digitizing sections of the published drawings.

Last Updated on Sunday, 21 December 2014 15:10